Descendants of John Bevercombe

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up to the 12th generation

 0━┳▷ John Bevercombe ca 1844- &1869 Ann Scutt 1846-ca 1915
   ┣━1━━ Alfred Richard Bevercombe ca 1870-ca 1909
   ┣━2── Maria Elizabeth Bevercombe ca 1875- &ca 1889 ------ ------
   ┣━3── Edith Sarah Bevercombe ca 1877- &ca 1900 ------ ------ W-------
   ┗━4━┳ Charles Hugh Bevercombe 1880- &ca 1906 Augusta Emily Smith
       ┣━1── Phyllis J. Bevercombe 1915
       ┗━2── Eileen M. Bevercombe 1920

Total: 6 descendants (11 individuals with spouses)

- connections 18, friends 18