[marriage event] lo 5 de novembre de 1914 • Mount Gambier, SA, AUSTRALIA - Christ Church
Decès lo 30 de julhet de 1940 • Da Costa Park, Adelaide, SA, AUSTRALIA

Nòtas [The Advertiser Adelaide, SA Friday 7 July 1911 GOVERNMENT APPOINTMENTS. Mr. Arthur Stilville Howland to be acting district Registrar of birth deaths, and marriages for the district of Grey during the absence on leave of Mr J.A.G. Newbould, district registrar.] [Border Watch, Mount Gambier, SA: 1861-1954) Wednesday 11 November 1914. At Christ Church, Mount Gambier, on Monday morning, Mr. Arthur Stilville Howland, eldest son of Colonel & Mrs. F. H. Howland, of "The Poplars," Mount Gambier, was united in marriage with Miss Louie May Scutt, eldest daughter of Mr. & Mrs. F. A. Scutt, of Mount Gambier. The Rev. R. K. Collisson, B.A., was the officiating clergyman. Miss Olive Scutt was bridesmaid, and Mr. L. N. Boys best man. The wedding breakfast was partaken of at the residence of the bride's parents. The happy couple left by the evening train for Adelaide, where Mr. Howland is on the staff of the Adelaide Local Court.] [The Advertiser (Adelaide, Friday 1 August 1941) - OBITUARY Mr. Arthur S. Howland, formerly Registrar in Bankrupts Adelaide, died at his home. Da Costa Park, on Wednesday, at the age of 52 years. He left a widow, one son and 2 daughters. Another son was killed in an accident recently.]

Maridatge amb Louie May Scutt

A S H (25) single - father:Frederick Henry John Howland. L M S (24) single - father:Francis Arthur Scutt


  • [marriage event] amb Louie May Scutt: SA # 261/374 [Grey]

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Frederick Henry John Howland 1889-
Mary Jane Curl 1861-

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