Naixement el 1 de gener de 1888 • Mount Gambier, SA, AUSTRALIA
[marriage event] el 18 de juliol de 1919 • Horsham, Victoria, AUSTRALIA
Defunció el 1965 • Heid--, Vict, AUSTRALIA

Notes [Border Watch - Mount Gambier, SA :Wednesday 6 February 1907 An Unpleasant Experience. Whilst spending last Sunday at Port MacDonnell, Master Roy Cossons had a very unpleasant, if not dangerous, experience. He was standing at the end of the jetty, when he accidentally slipped off into the sea. Although a fairly good swimmer, he had some difficulty in reaching the jetty again owing to the weight of his clothes, and he was helped out in a very exhausted condition by Master Frank Scutt. After procuring a change of clothes and having an hour's rest he was able to return to Mount Gambier none the worse for his adventure.] [The Advertiser (Adelaide, SA :1889-1931) Wednesday 27 November 1907 p4 Article. Mr.F. O. Scutt, son of Mr. F. Scutt, of Mount Gambier, left to-day for Adelaide. Mr. Scutt has received an appointment in the Chinese Customs Department.] [The Advertiser Tuesday 26 November 1912 p15 Article. Mr. Frank O. Scutt, son of Mr. F. Scutt, of Mount Gambier, who for five years has been in the Chinese Customs Department at Hankow, returned to Mount Gambier last week on a holiday visit.] [Scutt, Frank Oliver (accountant) :Service Number - 935 :Place of Birth - Mount Gambier, SA :Place of Enlistment - Adelaide, SA :Next of Kin - (Mother) SCUTT Anne (living at Ferrers Street, Mt.Gambier. Series number B2455 & Series number D2994. F O S - nr.1935 private - Adm. H.Q. - 1915 Nov 24 - 1919 Jan 20.] [Border Watch-Mount Gambier, SA Friday 28 February 1919. Sergt. F. O. SCUTT WELCOMED. By train on Tuesday night Sergt. Frank O. Scutt, son of Mr. & Mrs. F. A. Scutt, of Mount Gambier, returned. He was accompanied to Mount Gambier by Priv. P. Haines, of Nairne, and Priv. W. Latham, of Onkaparingo, who, having spare time, decided to see the South-East. They were met at the railway station when the train came in, and conveyed in a motor car, with a band (composed of members of the Vice-Regal and Salvation Army bands) leading to the Town Hall, where they received a public welcome. It being after 10 o'clock, the attendance of the public was smaller than it usually is on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday nights. On arrival at the Town Hall the soldiers were conducted to the balcony, where the Mayor (Mr. G. E. Truman), Sub-Inspector Pyne, Col. F.H. Daniel, V.D. (for the Cheer-up Society), and Col. F. H. Howland, V.D. (for R.S. & S. League) made congratulatory speeches, and cordially welcomed Sergt. Scutt home. Cheers were then given for the returned soldiers, and Sergt. Scutt and his companions replied. Following this cheers were given, at the call of the Mayor, for the boys and nurses who are yet away from Australia, and for the King. The band played the National Anthem, and the demonstration closed. Sergt. Scutt, who is 31 years of age, enlisted in October, 1915, and after several months training in camp at Adelaide left for England and the war in June, 1916. When he left he was a private connected with the 43rd Battalion, but soon after reaching England he was transferred, to the 48th Battalion, with which he remained till the close of the war. He saw a good deal of hard service in France, having been in several stunts in which the Australians covered themselves with glory, and was wounded two or three times. On one occasion, in the fighting at Paschendale Ridge, he was severely hurt and was sent to England for treatment, where he spent nearly four months in hospital. He then returned to the scenes of strife; "When the armistice was signed he was sent to England, and thence to Australia in the troopship Marvada. On the way, out he was on duty with the pay staff. He is now in very good health.] [Border Watch, Mount Gambier, SA Friday 18 July 1919. The marriage of Miss Lydia Rokesky, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. H. A. Rokesky, of Harriet Street, Horsham, to Mr. Frank Scutt, of Mount Gambier, S.A., late sergeant in the A.I.F., will take, place to-day at the Horsham Methodist Church - "Horsham Times."] [The Horsham Times Friday 8 August 1919 Social. At the Horsham Methodist Church on 18th July the Rev. F. B. Oldham celebrated their marriage of ex-Sergeant F. O. Scutt, son of Mr. & Mrs. Scutt, of Mount Gambier, and Miss Lila Rokesky, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. H. A. Rokesky, of "Karnak," Harriet Street, Horsham.] [Advertiser - Adelaide, SA Friday 9 February 1923. STOLEN BICYCLES. ROSS and MANN Again convicted. Further charges of bicycle stealing were preferred against Arthur Edward Mann and Richard William Newton Ross, two young men, in the Adelaide Police Court (before Mr. K. M. Sabine, S.M.), on Thursday. Both men were convicted on the previous day of stealing bicycles, and on Monday they were sentenced at the Port Adelaide Police Court for similar offences. Mann pleaded guilty to an information laid by Detective-Sergeant Alichurch charging him with the theft of a bicycle, valued at £10, the property of Frank Oliver Scutt, at Adelaide, on January 27. The evidence showed that Scutt left his bicycle in Weymouth Street at 9.30a.m. on January 27, and on returning shortly afterwards, found that it had disappeared. On the same day, at 12.45, the defendant sold the machine to a second hand dealer for £2.10./-. He was subsequently arrested at Hindmarsh by Plain-clothes constables F. F. White and Jordan and Constable Hubner. The defendant, who had nothing to say, was sent to gaol tor 12 months. The charge against Ross was that he stole a bicycle worth £8, owned by Ernest Leslie Matthews, at Adelaide, on February 3. Detective-Sergeant Alichurch said Matthews left his machine in front of 95, Grenfell Street, at 1a.m., on Saturday, but on missing it shortly afterwards, he reported his loss to the police. On the same day the bicycle was sold to a dealer in Hindley Street. In offering the bicycle to the dealer Ross said, 'I've had a bit of luck; I won a motor cycle in a raffle and therefore I do not require this machine.' He asked for 30/-, but the dealer gave him 25/-. While the dealer was giving evidence, the accused said, 'You know you are on oath?' to which the witness replied, 'Yes.' 'Then why do you say I took the bicycle into the shop?' remarked Ross, who added, 'don't you know it is perjury, and that you are there to speak the truth?' The witness said the bicycle was shown to him outside the shop. Detective-Sergeant Alichurch - This defendant was sentenced to six months imprisonment for bicycle stealing on Wednesday, and received two months at Port Adelaide on Tuesday. He has admitted taking four bicycles, but we are not proceeding further against him. Eleven months imprisonment was ordered.] [The Horsham Times (Vic.) Friday 3 June 1927 p3 Article. Property Sales. Messrs David Anderson & Co., land, stock and linante agents, report having effected the following sales of property since their last report Mr F. O. Scutt, house Wawunna Road to Mr W. Rowlands, house John Street to Mr J. P. Jensen ; Mr S. M. Rogerson business to Mr F. O. Scutt;] [The Horsham Times Friday 19 April 1929 p2 Article. Grocery Business Changes. Mr. F.O. Scutt, grocer, of Pynsent Street, Horsham, has sold his business to the well-known Fitzroy firm, Messrs. and W. ChandIer Pty. Ltd. the change takes place on May 1.] [The Horsham Times Tuesday 13 September 1927 p6 Article. Uniforms for Pipers, List of Subscribers. Good work is being done by Constable Morrison in collecting funds to provide uniforms for the members of the Ilor shua and District Pipe Band. Donations - (Exerpt) F. O. Scutt 2/-] [F O S - 77yr.]


  • Naixement: SA # 410/271 [Grey] / National Archives of Australia
  • [marriage event] amb Lilia Rokesky: Great War Index Victoria 1914-1920 [Digger] Reg. Number:7712 /Great War Index Victoria 1914-1920 [Digger] Reg. Number:7712 / The Horsham Times [1919 Aug 08]
  • Defunció: Death Index Victoria 1921-1985 [Digger] Reg Number:21078

fins a 46 à 21 generacions
Ascendents      3  4 [ascendants tree][horizontal tree][table] ascendentsPresentació extensaA l'edat de[surnames branch]Menu [tools] ascendents
     ♦ William John Scutt 1839-1904
     – Elizabeth Nutbeam ca 1836-1898
Francis Arthur Scutt ca 1863-1950
Anne Olliver 1859-1938
     – Augustus Olliver 1821-1877
     – Hannah Hocking 1832-1913

Germans i germanes Càlcul de parentesc 👪 [family time line]Oncles i tiesNebots i nebodes
  1. Frank Oliver 1888-1965
  2. Everard Dudley 1889-1930
  3. Louie May 1890-
  4. Olive Ethel 1894-

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