Theodora Gaye Potocka †1998


[marriage event] amb Cuthbert Harry Bernard Scutt en decembre de 1984 • Weymouth district, Dorset
Decès lo 1èr d'octobre de 1998 • Sutherland, Sutherland Shire, NSW, AUSTRALIA

Nòtas [Theodora Gaye Scutt, the daughter of Lost Club regular Count Potocki, has published a memoir of T. F. Powys, Cuckoo in the Powys Nest (2000), published by Brynmill Press. Mrs Scutt was brought up by Powys and his wife Susan, and the book gives an intimate portrait of the Dorset genius and mystic from the early 1930s until his death in 1953. Lost Clubbers who have read Mrs Scutt's sketch of her father in Issue 2 will know that she is a writer with trenchant style and refreshing candour. As her publishers state: 'Mrs Scutt writes in an entirely unselfconscious way, with vivacity, perceptiveness, and firmness of judgement, not least in respect of herself. Here is a galaxy of personalities, many of them celebrities in their day, others obscure but as strongly individualized.' Theodore Powys is best remembered for his religious allegory Mr Weston's Good Wine (1927). God and the archangel Michael visit the village of Folly Down to bring the villagers wine, love and death.] [Plot: KK Rose Gdn 21, 0140.]


  • [marriage event] amb Cuthbert Harry Bernard Scutt: Weymouth 01284 23 0623
  • Decès: Woronora Memorial Park


&1984 Cuthbert Harry Bernard Scutt 1911-1994