Charles B. Scutt 1842-1908


65 ans, 2 mois

Naissance le 2 décembre 1842 • Sutton Poyntz, Dorset
Baptême le 3 janvier 1843 • Sutton Poyntz, Dorset
Mariage avec Elizabeth Samson le 19 décembre 1867 • Bridport, Dorset
Décès le 2 février 1908 • Lodmoor, Dorset
Inhumation le 5 février 1908 • St Andrews Churchyard, Preston and Sutton Poyntz

Notes [Father - yeoman.] [Taunton Courier, and Western Advertiser, Somerset Wednesday 01 January 1868 - Marriages. December 19, at the parish church St. Mary's, Bridport, the Rev. Melville Lee, rector, Charles, son of John Scutt, Esq., Preston, Weymouth, and Bessie, second daughter Gerard Samson, Esq., Bridport.] [C B S also County Magistrates for Dorchester Petty Sessional Division.] [Evening Telegraph - Monday 03 February 1908. Found Dead in a Field. Mr Charles Scutt, chairman of the Executive Committee, Dorset County Council, was this morning found dead in two feet of water in a field close by his home at Preston.] [C B S - 65yr. of Wyke Oliver, Preston, nr. Weymouth - farmer & Justice of the Peace, Dorset - d:Lodmoor, nr.Weymouth. To Charles Edwin Scutt (theatre manager), Alfred John Scutt & Edward Angus Scutt, (both farmers). The London Gazette [1909] Charles Scutt, Esquire, J.P., Deceased - Pursuant to the Statute, 22nd and 23rd Vict., c.35. All persons having any claims or demands against the estate of Charles Scutt, Esquire, deneased, late of "Wyke Oliver," Preston, near Weymouth, Dorset, J.P. (who died on the 2nd February 1908, and whose will was proved in the Blandford District Probate Registry, on the 27th August 1908, by Messrs. Charles Edwin Scutt. Alfred John Scutt, Edward Angus Scutt, Edward Barnaby Duke, and Henry Branson, the executors therein named, are required to send particulars, in writing, of such claims to us before the 1th February 1909, after which date the estate will be distributed, having regard only to those claims of which notice shall have been received, Dated this 5th day of January 1909. Lock, Reed & Lock, Dorchester, Dorset - Solicitors for the Executors.] [Friday 09 August 1918, Western Gazette, Somerset. Messrs. Henry Duke & Son are favoured with instructions to Offer the above Resourceful FreeHold Landed Estate for Said Auction, their Property Sale-room, Dorchester, on Saturday, August 24th, at 3.30 p.m. Lot 1. Watercombe Farm, about Acres, famous mixed holdings, memorable as the Home of the world-famed Watercombe breed of sheep, established and bred there with such success and service to the Down Sheep of this Country by the then Tenant, Mr. Thomas Homer Saunders who was followed by his son, Mr. Thomas Chapman Saunders; was succeeded the late Mr. Charles Scutt, whose son, Mr. A. J. is the present Tenant. The occupation of this notable Farm has, therefore, remained in two families of leading Dorset Agriculturists for upwards of 100 years.] [Hastings & St Leonards Observer, Saturday 08 February 1908. MR Scutt sen. We regret to record that Mr Scutt, the popular local Manager of the Hastings Theatre, has sustained a sudden bereavement by the death of his father Mr Scutt, sen., who lived near Weymouth, was Justice of the Peace for the county of Dorset, and vice-Chairman of the Guardians at Weymouth, was County Councillor and member of one of the oldest families in Dorsetshire. At the meeting the Theatre Directors, Thursday, a vote of was passed to Mr. Scutt.]

Union avec Elizabeth Samson

Banns 05/12/19 Nov. Banns 1867 Dec 01 Winfrith Newburgh, Dorset. C B S bachelor, from Winfrith NewBurgh. S S spinster, from Bridport.


  • Naissance : Weymouth 8 131
  • Baptême : Sutton Poyntz Baptisms / IGI
  • Mariage avec Elizabeth Samson : Bridport 5a 832 / IGI / Taunton Courier, and Western Advertiser, Somerset [1868 Jan 01]
  • Décès : Weymouth 5a 209 / Wills 1908 / The London Gazette [1909]

jusqu’à 42 à 18 générations
     ♦ John B. Scutt 1758-1837
     ♦ Anne Compton 1774-1805
John B. Scutt 1800-1880
Caroline Cooper ca 1809-1890
     – William Cooper 1793-
     – Elizabeth Gill 1784-1830

  1. Anne 1836-ca 1853
  2. John 1838-1878
  3. Elizabeth 1840-ca 1919
  4. Charles B. 1842-1908
jusqu’à 53 à 4 générations
&1867 Elizabeth Samson 1845-1929
  1. Charles Edwin 1868-1953 &1910 Jessica Dundas Harrison 1886-1957
  2. Arthur 1869-1950 &1901 Adeline Nortier Payne ca 1879-1916 &1918 Hilda Dorothy Press
  3. Alfred John 1871-1952 &1912 Doris Seymer Kent ca 1886-1960
  4. Edward Angus 1872-1945
  5. Annie Elizabeth 1874-1944 &1909 George Macdonald
  6. Walter Irving 1876-1881
  7. Frank Samson 1879-1934 &1912 Agnes Gertrude Parr 1889-1971
  8. Septimus Henry 1881-1968
  9. Sidney Lewis 1882-1949
  10. William 1884-1953 &ca 1933 Kathleen Harwood †1963
  11. Helen Agnes 1885-1948 &1914 Leonard Robert West
  12. Florence Eveline 1887-1963 &1913 Archilbald Bernard Jenkins
  13. Cecil 1888-1938 &1924 Mildred Katherine Wilson 1896-1970