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Avós paternos, tios e tias

    • William John Scutt 1839-1904
    • casados 1863
    • Elizabeth Nutbeam ca 1836-1898
      • Francis Arthur Scutt ca 1863-1950
        casados 1887 Anne Olliver 1859-1938
      • Amy Florence Scutt ca 1865-1958
        casados 1889 Herbert Harden 1864-1955
      • Ethel Maude Scutt ca 1867-1936
        casados 1892 Friederich Alfred Maraun
      • Everard William Scutt ca 1868-1944
        casados 1897 Francis Elizabeth Davies
      • Hugh Dudley Scutt ca 1869-1951
        casados 1899 Cecelia Mathilda Young Maraun 1871-1956
      • Fanny Blanche Scutt ca 1870-ca 1956
        casados 1895 Allan William Leane 1872-

Avós maternos, tios e tias

    • Augustus Olliver 1821-1877
    • casados
    • Hannah Hocking 1832-1913
      • Anne Olliver 1859-1938
        casados 1887 Francis Arthur Scutt ca 1863-1950

Everard Dudley Scutt 1889-1930

Everard Dudley/Everard/Edward/Tasma
40 anos
  • Nascido a 27 de Abril de 1889 - Mount Gambier, SA, AUSTRALIA
  • Falecido a 4 de Fevereiro de 1930 - Launceston, Tasmania, AUSTRALIA
  • Enterrado em Fevereiro 1930 - Carr Villa Cemetery
  • Warehouseman

Casamento e filhos

  • Casado a 19 de Março de 1913, North Terrace, Adelaide, SA, AUSTRALIA - Chalmers Church, com Janet Gertrude Phillips 1884-19611, filha de Albert Phillips 1856-1941 e Elsie Inglis 1849-1928, tiveram quatro filhos:
    • Avis Veronica 1913-
    • Tasman Arthur 1916-1942
    • Elfie G. ca 1919
    • Veenie ca 1922

Notas individuais

[The Advertiser Monday 30 May 1904 TELEGRAPH MESSENGERS. The following are the successful candidates for the Commonwealth public service special competitive examination for telegraph messengers: Leigh's Creek (inc) Everard D. Scutt] [The Advertiser Saturday 5 April 1913 p18 Family Notices SCUTT-PHILLIPS - On the 19th March, at Chalmers Church, by the Rev A J Wade, Everard Dudley, the second son of Mr. F. A. Scutt, Mount Gambier, to Janet Gertrude, the eldest daughter of Mr. A. Phillips of Norwood.] [Examiner - Launceston, Tas. Saturday 13 August 1927 BEACONSFIELD. At the Police Court, Beaconsfield, before Messrs. H. A. Atkinson, J. U. Williams, and P. Beauchamp, E. W. Freeland of Trevallyn, proceeded against E.D. Scutt for allowing his dog to be on the plaintiff's sheep run. Mr. J. E. Heritage appeared for the plaintiff. There was no appearance of the defendant. The case was heard ex parte. Mr. Freeland, in evidence, said that he had been annoyed with dogs amongst his sheep for some time, and sheep had been killed. He said he offered to take and destroy the dog, but this offer was refused. He then decided to take proceedings as a warning to others that the practice of taking dogs on to his sheep run must stop. The bench took a serious view of the case. They said that such cases would be severely dealt with. It was well known that this was lambing season, and they hoped that the penalty in this case would be a warning to others. A fine of 10s, with 7s 6d costs, 13s witnesses expenses, and counsel's fee £2 2s was inflicted. In default distress, and in default of distress 48 hours imprisonment.] [Will 1928:AD961/16 40 4756.] [SUPREME COURT GUILTY OF ASSAULT Thursday 1 March 1928 Examiner (Launceston, Tas.: 1900-1954) Sittings of the Supreme Court in its criminal sessions were continued at Launceston yesterday. The Chief Justice (Sir Herbert Nicholls) presided, and the Solicitor-General (Mr. L. E. Chambers) prosecuted. Athol Desmond McAuley, of Launceston, pleaded not guilty to a charge of having at Launceston on October 18 last committed a serious offence against a girl, Amy Nellie Kaye, then under the age of 18 years. The following Jurymen were empaneled:- inc. Edward Dudley Scutt,] [Examiner Saturday 9 November 1929 Edition p18 Article. CITY POLICE COURT. Charge Dismissed. Mr. E. L. Hall, P.M., occupied the bench in the City Police Court yesterday morning, .... E. Dudley Scutt, manager, of the mantel department of D, & W.Murray Ltd., said that he packed 28 fur chokers and despatched them to the Melbourne branch on October 26.] [Examiner (Launceston, Tas. :1900-1954) Wednesday 5 February 1930. The death occurred yesterday at his home, Trevallyn, of Mr. E. D. Scutt, at the age of 40 years. The late Mr. Scutt had been employed for many years at the warehouse of D. & W. Murray Ltd., where he was a departmental manager, but had lately been indisposed. Mr. Scutt had figured prominently in all movements for the improvement of the suburb of Trevallyn. He was an active member of the body of enthusiasts which effected the establishment of the Trevallyn recreation ground, which is proving such an asset to the suburb. He was a keen cricketer, and was the captain of the recently-formed Trevallyn Club, Mr. Scutt had at different times interested himself in various branches of sport and was very popular with a wide circle of friends. Some years ago he was a noted poultryman, and was specially interested in Black Orpingtons. He leaves a widow and a young family.] [FUNERAL NOTICES Examiner (Launceston, Tas. :1900-1954) Wednesday 5 February 1930 Edition: DAILY p1 AND The Advertiser (Adelaide, SA :1889-1931) Thursday 6 February 1930 p8 Family Notices SCUTT - On the 4th February, at his residence, 23 Trevallyn Terrace, Launceston, Everard Dudley, dearly beloved husband of Gertrude Scutt, and second son of Mr. & Mrs. F A. Scutt, of South Australia, aged 40 years. SCUTT - The funeral of the late Mr. Everard D. Scutt is appointed to leave his late residence, 23 Trevallyn Terrace, this day (Wednesday, 5th February), at 1 o'clock, for Internment in the Carr Villa Cemetery. Friends are Invited to attend. Armitage & Armitage, Funeral Directors, 116 St John Street, Launceston.] [CRICKET TREVALLYN CLUB ANNUAL MEETING HELD. Examiner (Launceston, Tas.:1900-1954) Wednesday 10 September 1930 Edition: DAILY p2 Article. The committee regretted to record that early in the season the club sustained a great loss in the death of Mr. E. T. Scutt, the captain, who besides being a keen, skilful and popular cricketer, did a great deal of work in assisting to overcome the initial difficulties in the formation of the club. Mr. WV. T. Miller was elected captain of the club (after the death of Mr. Scutt) and Mr. B. Edwards was elected vice-captain.] [Examiner (Launceston, Tas: 1900-1954) Saturday 22 February 1930 Edition: DAILY. ALL Persons having claims against the estate of Everard Dudley Scutt late of Launceston in Tasmania Warehouseman deceased, are required to lodge same with the Public Trustee, Hobart on or before the 22nd day of April, next E. D. F. KEMP, Public Trustee.]

Notas de casamento

^ Casamento com Janet Gertrude Phillips:
Everard Dudley Scutt(24) single - father:Francis Arthur Scutt. Janet Gertrude Phillips(28) single - father Alfred Phillips


  • Nascimento: SA # 437/357 [Grey].
  • Casamento: South Australian Marriages, Registrations 1842-1916 Book/Page:254/760 / Archives Office of Tasmania.
  • Morte: Will 1928 / Examiner (Launceston, Tas. :1900-1954) [1930 Feb 05].
William John
ca 1836-1898
| 1863 |    |   |

Francis Arthur
ca 1863-1950

Irmãos e irmãs

  • Frank Oliver 1888-1965
  • Louie May 1890-
  • Olive Ethel 1894-