Leah Sue Scutt 1953

70 years old, 5 months old, 23 days old

Birth on 23 November 1953 • UNITED STATES of AMERICA
Marriage with Ronald C. Wigand on 13 July 1973 • Whitley, Indiana, UNITED STATES of AMERICA


  • Birth: Lockwood's of Central IL
  • Marriage with Ronald C. Wigand: Indiana Marriage Index 1958-2004 / presser.net

up to 26 à 10 generations
Ancestors      3  4 Ascending treeHorizontal treeTable ancestorsFull displayAge at deathLines by nameMenu tools ancestors
     ♦ George Augustus Scutt 1882-1966
     ◊ Clara Anne Blick 1888-
Morris Edward Scutt 1912-2005
Betty Katherine Mason 1922-2009
     – Amzie Edward Mason
     – Clellie Mabel Davis

Siblings Relationship computing 👪 Time line of the familyUncles and auntsNephews and nieces
  1. Rebecca Ann 1947
  2. Paul Joseph ca 1949-2016
  3. Rachel Elaine 1950
  4. Leah Sue 1953
  5. Marcia Ellen 1958
  1. On Morris Edward Scutt's side
    with Beulah Irene Jewell 1915-1945:
  2. Morris Vernon 1934

Descendants Descendants treeDescendant tree viewTable descendantsFull displayMenu tools descendants