Arthur Scutt 1928-1996


67 aastat, 4 kuud, 28 päeva

Sünd 30. septembril 1928 • Goole, WR Yorkshire
[marriage event] koos  Joan Mary Tighe umbes augustil 1951 • Goole district, WR Yorkshire
Surm 28. veebruaril 1996 • Goole, Humberside, Yorkshire
[cremation] 6. märtsil 1996 • Pontefract, WR Yorkshire

Märkused [Thursday 08 June 1950, Hull Daily Mail, East Riding of Yorkshire. SMOKING ON DOCKS WARNING AT GOOLE. THE AUTHORITIES are very concerned about the increase in smoking on Goole docks, "said Supt. A. R. Moxon, at Goole, when Joseph Bean, seaman, of Middlesbrough, was fined 20/- for smoking on his ship. Arthur Scutt, a Goole dock labourer, was fined 25/- for smoking while assisting to unload a cargo of strawboards from the M.V. Canada, and Pc. Roe said that on being told he would be reported. Scutt replied. "I cant say anything. I know I should not do it." The chairman, Mrs Macdonald Brown, warned that in future the penalty would be higher because of the danger of the offence.] [A S - 67yr.]


  • Sünd: Goole 9c 1442 / Board of Trade and of successor and related bodies - BT 372/834/150 - R330409
  • [marriage event] koos Joan Mary Tighe: Goole 2b 1300
  • Surm: Goole 5471 33D
  • [cremation]: Crematorium [P52726]

kuni 38 à 13 sugupõlved
Esivanemad      3  4 [ascendants tree][horizontal tree][table] esivanemadPõhjalik raportVanus surres[surnames branch]Menu [tools] esivanemad
     ♦ Edward Scutt 1856-1920
     – Elizabeth Gibbins 1857-1927
Arthur Scutt 1890-1960
Mabel Atkinson ca 1899-ca 1935

Õed ja vennad Suguluse leidmine 👪 [family time line]Onud ja tädidVenna- ja õelapsed
  1. Edward 1920-ca 1969
  2. Dorothy May ca 1921
  3. Arthur 1928-1996
