Up to the 7th generation

                   ┌── Marmaduke Scutt 1673-1749
                ┌── Marmaduke Scutt 1714-1782
                │  └── Elizabeth Margrave ca 1681-1755
             ┌── John Scutt ca 1758-1826
             │  └── Alice Roberts †1793
          ┌── Jonathan Scutt 1798-ca 1873
          │  │  ┌── Daniel Boothroyd 1734-1800
          │  └── Susannah Boothroyd 1758-1826
          │     └── Ann Foster 1733-
       ┌── John Scutt ca 1823-1910
       │  └── Jane Bradley ca 1799-1846
    ┌── Jonathan Scutt ca 1865-1952
    │  └── Susannah Stamford ca 1837-1923
┌── Norman Scutt ca 1910-1923
    └── Eliza Jane Holey ca 1867-1947

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