Gary Edward Scutt 1964

59 anys, 7 mesos, 26 dies

Naixement el 7 de novembre de 1964 • Cheshire (North East)

Notes Scutt, Geoffrey Clifford born 4 September 1933; Susan Mary (nee Pickford) born 21 November 1941; Ian born 13 January 1964; Gary Edward born 7 November 1964; travelled per aircraft departing UK on 7 October 1967 under the Assisted Passage Migration Scheme.


  • Naixement: Manchester 10e 405 / National Archives of Australia

fins a 48 à 15 generacions
Ascendents      3  4 [ascendants tree][horizontal tree][table] ascendentsPresentació extensaA l'edat de[surnames branch]Menu [tools] ascendents
     ♦ Albert Edward Scutt 1911-1988
     ◊ Annie Snowden 1910-2005
Geoffrey Clifford Scutt 1933-2010
Susan Mary Pickford 1941-

Germans i germanes Càlcul de parentesc 👪 [family time line]Oncles i ties
  1. Ian 1964-
  2. Gary Edward 1964