George William Scutt 1905-ca 1981

vielleicht 75 Jahre alt

Geburt am 31. Dezember 1905 • Althorpe, Lincolnshire
Taufe am 28. Januar 1906
Heirat am 22. Mai 1930 • Owston Ferry, Lincolnshire
Tod ca. August 1981 • Goole district, Humberside

Notizen Fri 23 May 1930, Hull Daily Mail, East Riding of Yorkshire. Owston Ferry - On Thursday a pretty wedding was solemnized in the Parish Church by the Rev J. Newby. The contracting parties were G. Scutt and Miss D. Kendall, bride, who was attired in navy, was given away by her brother, Mr Theo Kendall. Mr Alfred Scutt, cousin of the bridegroom acted as groomsman. The bridesmaids (Misses E. Kendall and Mabel Scutt) wore pretty costumes of grey and pink respectively. The bride's bouquet consisted of tulips and narcissi, and the bridesmaids of tulips.


  • Geburt: Thorne 9c 956 (1906 1st.Q.)
  • Heirat mit Alice Maud Kendall: Gainsbro 7a 2031 / Hull Daily Mail [1930 May 23]
  • Tod: Goole 7 0310

bis 42 à 13 Generationen
Vorfahren      3  4 Stammbaum der Vorfahren[horizontal tree]Tabelle VorfahrenLange AnsichtAlter zum TodeszeitpunktZweige der FamiliennamenMenu hilfsmittel Vorfahren
     ♦ William Scutt 1852-1927
     ◊ Ann Elizabeth Bateman 1857-1940
Thomas George Scutt 1876-1955
Ruth Ann Hall 1875-1970
     – George William Hall 1843-
     – Mary Ann ------ †/1891

Geschwister Verwandtschaft ermitteln 👪 [family time line]Onkel und TantenNeffen und Nichten
  1. Alice 1901-1998
  2. George William 1905-ca 1981
  3. Mabel Annie 1913-1977
bis 13 à 3 Generationen
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