Up to the 7th generation

    ┌── Ron Amner
└── Rachel Isobel Amner ca 1973
    │              ┌── Marmaduke Scutt ca 1776-1853
    │           ┌── James Scutt ca 1815-1860
    │           │  └── Nancy Lowther ca 1784-1870
    │        ┌── James Duke Scutt ca 1853-1924
    │        │  └── Jane Wood ca 1819-1861
    │     ┌── Harry Allison Scutt 1880-1964
    │     │  └── Emma Allison ca 1853-1920
    │  ┌── Ian Roderick Scutt 1916-2003
    │  │  │  ┌── James Lamb Couper
    │  │  └── Isabel Kidd Couper ca 1882-1957
    │  │     └── Jane Edwards
    └── Angela Cooper Scutt ca 1944
       └── Esme Isabelle Beddingfield 1914-2004

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