Descendants of Ann Pools

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up to the 12th generation

 0─┬ Ann Pools †1794 &1779 George Scutt 1756-1811
   ├─1─┬ Ann Scutt 1782-1833 &1804 Joshua Coward ca 1778-1838
   │   ├─1━━ George Coward ca 1814-
   │   └─2── Mary Coward ca 1819-
   ├─2─┬ Frances Scutt 1785- &1806 Robert Clarkson 1785-
   │   ├─1━━ Robert Clarkson 1808-
   │   ├─2━━ John Clarkson 1811-
   │   ├─3── Ann Clarkson ca 1814-
   │   └─4── Mary Clarkson 1817-
   └─3── Sally Scutt 1788-1789

Total: 9 descendants (13 individuals with spouses)