Dzimšana gads: 1673 • Crowle, Lincolnshire
Baptisms datums: 1673.gada 17.augusts • Crowle, Lincolnshire
[marriage event] ar Elizabeth Margrave datums: 1701.gada 26.aprīlis • Hook, WR Yorkshire
Nāve mēnesī 1749 aprīlis • Crowle, Lincolnshire
Bēres datums: 1749.gada 7.aprīlis • Crowle, Lincolnshire - St Oswald's

Piezīme(s) NBI states once again a burial of a son, Marmadauke, son of Marmaduke & Hannah.

[marriage with] Elizabeth Margrave

relative: Joseph Derbridge

Avoti (pirmsākums?)

  • Baptisms: IGI C027751
  • [marriage event] ar Elizabeth Margrave: Hook Parish Registers 1678-1900 / IGI M018824
  • Bēres: National Burial Index (Isle of Axholme) / FreeReg

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Marmaduke Scutt ca 1645-1712
Elizabeth Bingley †?1712

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