James Scutt 1595-?1663

може би 68 години

Раждане през 1595 • Epworth, Lincolnshire
Кръщение на 8 юни 1595 • Epworth, Lincolnshire - St Andrew's
[marriage event] с ------ ------ около 1637 • Lincolnshire?
Смърт може би през 1663 • Epworth, Lincolnshire
Погребение може би през август 1663 • Epworth, Lincolnshire - St. Andrew's

Бележки It is possible that James Scutt died instead in 1659 and was buried on 1659 Mar 11.

[marriage with] ------ ------

this still needs to be verified


  • Кръщение: IGI C028141
  • [marriage event] с ------ ------: (Children) / Protestation Returns for adult males for the Isle of Axholme (Lincolnshire) 1642
  • Погребение: National Burial Index (Isle of Axholme)

до 6 à 4 поколения
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     ♦ William Scutt ca 1535-1591
     – ------ ------
James Scutt 1561-
Catherine Renoulde

Братя и сестри Определяне на родство 👪 [family time line]Вуйчовци, чичовци и лелиПлеменници и племеннички
  1. Reynald 1589-1610
  2. John 1592-
  3. James 1595-?1663
  4. Catherine 1604-1608
  5. Rebecca 1607-

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