Florence May Hill ca 1893-1944


[possibly (date)] 51  岁

[birth] [about (date)] 1893年2月 • UNITED STATES of AMERICA
[marriage event] [with] John Herbert Scutt [about (date)] 1909年 • Saskatchewan?, CANADA
[death]  于 1944年8月16日 • Maryfield, Saskatchewan, CANADA
[burial] • Fleming Cemetery

备注 F M S b:1893 USA - aged 51y 6m - Plot: Blk:C Lot2 Plot1. Died on a farm 13-12-31 W1. (probably an American Citizen and had been adopted?).


  • [marriage event] [with] John Herbert Scutt[:] Beverley Jenson
  • [death][:] Beverley Jenson

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