Ättlingar till Morris Edward Scutt

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Datum Plats Datum Plats Datum Plats
class="fa fa-mars maleMorris Edward Scutt
20/06/1912 Evansville, Vanderburgh, Indiana, UNITED STATES of AMERICA aclass="fa fa-venus femaleBeulah Irene Jewell 1933 Greene, Illinois, UNITED STATES of AMERICA 1 10/05/2005 46725 Columbia City, Whitley, Indiana, UNITED STATES of AMERICA Reverend
bclass="fa fa-venus femaleBetty Katherine Mason 07/08/1946 Corydon, Indiana, UNITED STATES of AMERICA 5
cclass="fa fa-venus femaleCarol A. Davis 27/02/1970 Whitley, Indiana, UNITED STATES of AMERICA 0