Ristimine 26. veebruaril 1802 • Sullington, West Sussex
[marriage event] 2. augustil 1852 • Reigate, Surrey - St Mary Magdalene
[witnesses]: Ann Holcomb Richard Small
Surm 23. oktoobril 1863 • Reigate, Surrey

Märkused [G T S born out of wedlock.] [George Scutt (41) bachelor, labourer, Cropways, Reigate - father:----- Scutt, coachman. Amy Aptea (21) spinster, Park Lane, Reigate, bapt:1834 Dec 12 Reigate - father:James Aptea, labourer & (mother) Amy Apted. Married after Banns. George Scutt his X mark, Amy Aptea signed her name in the presence of us Ann Holcomb & Richard Small.] [G S 61yr.]


  • Ristimine: WSRO PR 1559-1983
  • [marriage event] koos Amy Apted: Reigate 2a 164 / IGI
  • Surm: Reigate 2a 82

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