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Matilda Watkiss ca 1876-ca 1949

võib-olla 73 aastat
  • Sündinud umbes veebruaril 1876 - Lambeth district, London
  • Surnud umbes oktoobril 1949 - Wandsworth district, London

Abielu ja lapsedtree desc. tree desc.

[individual notes]

[M Watkiss was previously married to William Dennis Rector 1897 May?-- (St. Saviour 1d 87)]. [David & Matilda Scutt were living apart on the 1939 Registration and he was living with Harriett Eyles.] [M S 73yr. Seemingly known as Ada.]


  • Sünd: Lambeth 1d 359.
  • Abielu: Southwark 1d 237.
  • Surm: Wandsworth 5d 720.