Lilian Maude Lee ca 1900-1978

Lilian/Lillian Maud
ehkä 78 vuotta vanha

Syntymä noin 1900 • AUSTRALIA?
Avioliitto sekä David Scutt 27. heinäkuuta 1916 • Thebarton, SA, AUSTRALIA - residence of bride's father
Kuolema [in (year)] 1978 • SA, AUSTRALIA

Lisätietoja [The Advertiser (Adelaide) Monday 4 July 1932 p10 Article. Poisoning Cases J. Ethridge (16),of the Edwardstown Industrial School, and Lillian Maude Scutt (32), of Charles Street, Highbury, are in the Adelaide Hospital suffering from the effects of poisoning. Ethridge was admitted on Saturday evening, and Scutt last night. Neither is in a serious condition.] [The Advertiser (Adelaide) Saturday 26 July 1941 p12 Family Notices Silver Wedding. Scutt-Lee, Mr. & Mrs. D. Scutt announce the twenty-fifth anniversary of their wedding, which was solemnized at West Thebarton by the Rev. Lockhart Morton on the 27th of July, 1916. Present address, Buller Street, Prospect.] [Scutt, Stanley Royce & David & Lillian Maud & Maisie Joy.] [L M S 78yr.]

Aviopuoliso(t) David Scutt

David Scutt (21) single - father:Thomas Scutt. Lilian Maude Lee (16) single - father:Joseph John Lee


  • Syntymä: BMD (Deaths)
  • Avioliitto sekä David Scutt: SA # 268/195 [Hindmarsh]
  • Kuolema: South Australian Genealogy & Heraldry Society Inc.

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Joseph John Lee 1866-
Caroline Goodrich 1859-

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