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Grands-parents paternels, oncles et tantes

David Scutt 1895-1972

77 ans
  • le 12 juin 1895 - Unley, SA, AUSTRALIA
  • Décédé en 1972 - Adelaide, SA, AUSTRALIA

Mariage et enfantstree desc.

Notes individuelles

[D S 76yr.] [Counsel Says There Are Too Many Trivial Prosecutions. The Advertiser (Adelaide, SA: 1931-1954) Wednesday 30 June 1937 p17 Article. David Scutt, of Buller Street, Prospect, who was charged in the Norwood Magistrates Court yesterday with having failed to keep his motor car as near as practicable to the left hand side of Chapel Street, Norwood, was fined 2/6 with 7/6 costs, by Messrs. J T Mitchell and F Duxbury. Mr. W J Denny, who appeared for the defendant, said that there were too many trivial prosecutions, Scutt had driven a woman to her home and had gone in for a cup of tea. Five minutes later a policeman knocked at the door and laid the charge. The number of prosecutions was not there al test of law and order, and Acts should be administered with Common sense. Many cases could more properly be dealt with by a warning instead of a court action.] [The Advertiser Saturday 26 July 1941 p12 Family Notices Silver Wedding. Scutt-Lee - Mr. & Mrs. D. Scutt announce the twenty-fifth anniversary of their wedding, which was solemnized at West Thebarton by the Rev. Lockhart Morton on the 27th of July, 1916. Present address, Buller Street, Prospect.] [(1950) Supreme Criminal Sittings. Before Mr. Justice Mayo. Calf Case Continued, The hearing was continued yesterday, and adjourned until today, of the trial of Lloyd Leslie Turner, 47, butcher, of Trimmer Parade, Seaton Park, and David Scutt, 54, assistant foreman, of Buller Street, Prospect, on a charge of conspiring to defraud, relating to calf carcase transactions at the Abattoirs, between November and March last. The Crown Prosecutor (Mr. J. R. Kearnani prosecuted with Mr. E. B. Scarfe. Mr. C. T. Gun appeared with Mr. W. A. Swan for Turner, and Mr. L. J. Stanley for Scutt. The Crown case alleged that the defendants had arranged that Scutt, an assistant foreman at the Abattoirs, should exchange carcase identity tickets so that Turner received bigger carcases than those for which he bid and paid. The Crown case was completed and the defence begun, yesterday morning, the seventh day of the trial. In an unsworn statement denying the charge, Turner said that he had been in ill health for some years, suffering since 1919 from ear trouble. Turner described his book keeping and trading methods. He said that from August, 1949, until the end of January, and since, because of illness, he had had to get others to buy his meat for him. He said that calf branding at the Abattoirs sales was easily liable to mistakes, which often occurred. He had had experience of carcases wrongly delivered by the Abattoirs. Having no scales to weigh carcases, he accepted the cartnote weights as correct. He did not know that he was getting larger calves than he had purchased. He had never conspired with Scutt or any other person to defraud. Other evidence was also given for Turner's defence. Opening Scutt's case, Mr. Stanley said that certain ticket changes made by Scutt had been to correct what he believed to be errors, and in some cases he made honest mistakes himself. In some cases he had to ticket by memory. It was denied that there had been any dishonesty, or intention or arrangement to defraud. Scutt and other witnesses gave evidence.] [The Advertiser, Tuesday 22 August 1950 p11 Article. Supreme Criminal Sittings. Before Mr. Justice Mayo. Kissed in Court, Fines, Bonds, In Carcase Case. Two men were kissed in the courtroom by women after the men had yesterday been fined £200 each and released under bonds in respect to a conspiracy conviction relating to calf case transactions at the Abattoirs. The defendants were Lloyd Leslie Turner, 47, butcher, of Trimmer Parade, Seaton Park, and David Scutt, 54, assistant foreman, of Butler Street, Prospect. They had been found guilty by a jury, after a 10-day trial, of a charge that at Gepps Cross and elsewhere ..... The bonds were each for £100 to be of good behaviour for 12 months.] [Late of 148 Beulah Road, Norwood, retired, sales assistant, who died on 28 August 1999. Scutt, Stanley Royce & David & Lillian Maud & Maisie Joy.]

Notes concernant l’union

^ Union avec Lilian Maude Lee :
David Scutt (21) single - father:Thomas Scutt. Lilian Maude Lee (16) single - father:Joseph John Lee


  • Naissance : South Australian Births 1842-1906 Book:566 Page:44.
  • Mariage : SA # 268/195 [Hindmarsh].
  • Décès : SA # 160A/2353 / South Australian Genealogy & Heraldry Society Inc..

1828-ca 1886
Anne Evans

ca 1825-1874
| ca 1852 |   




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