Gregory Scutt 1957

67 years old, 3 months old, 11 days old

Birth on 14 February 1957 • Pembury, Kent
Marriage with Caroline Elizabeth Christine Britton about February 1988 • Gravesend district, Kent
Partners with Barbara Beucker about 1999 • Wuppertal, GERMANY
Divorce in 2002


  • Birth: Tonbridge 5b 1298
  • Marriage with Caroline Elizabeth Christine Britton: Gravesend 0288 16 0303
  • Partners with Barbara Beucker: Wuppertal, GERMANY

up to 12 à 6 generations
Ancestors      3  4 Ascending treeHorizontal treeTable ancestorsFull displayAge at deathLines by nameMenu tools ancestors
     ♦ William George Scutt ca 1891-1963
     – Mabel Flossie Grutchfield ca 1890-1956
Cyril Scutt 1927
Beryl Dora Hodder 1931

Siblings Relationship computing 👪 Time line of the familyUncles and auntsNephews and nieces
  1. Jacqueline 1952
  2. Nicola ca 1954-ca 1954
  3. Gregory 1957

Descendants Descendants treeDescendant tree viewTable descendantsFull displayMenu tools descendants