Up to the 7th generation

             ┌── Richard Scutt ca 1800-
          ┌── Henry Richard Scutt 1818-1911
          │  └── Jane Pellam
       ┌── William Scutt 1877-1946
       │  │  ┌── John New
       │  └── Mary Ann New ca 1838-1925
       │     └── ------ ------
    ┌── Carl Baldwin John Scutt 1911-ca 1999
    │  │  ┌── Joseph Scott
    │  └── Esther Alice Rosalyn Scott ca 1886-1972
    │     └── Harriet Jane ------
└── Susan Scutt ca 1945
    └── Olive Woodrow ca 1914-2006

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