Winifred Hart ca 1776-1823

vielleicht 47 Jahre alt

Geburt ca. 1776 • East Sussex
Heirat mit Benjamin Scutt am 19. Oktober 1797 • Little Horsted, East Sussex
Tod im Juli 1823 • Islington, Middlesex (London)
Beisetzung am 29. Juli 1823 • Brighthelmston, East Sussex

Notizen [Sussex Advertiser, Monday 17 June 1811. At Mrs. W. Scutt's Preparatory School, Lindfield, near Cuckfield; Young Ladies are Boarded and Educated at 25 gs. per ann. N.B. Day Scholars one Guinea per quarter. Scutt takes this opportunity to return her grateful acknowledgements to those friends who have kindly patronized her since her residence at Lindfield, and hopes by the same attention to her pupil's improvement, to merit the continuance of their favours. The school will re-open Tuesday the 23d of July, till which period, application may made to Mrs.S. at the Rev. Frederick Hamilton's, Brighton. Lindfield, June 15, 1811] [2.8.1813 Sussex Advertiser, Lindfield Seminary for Young Ladies. Mrs. W. Scutt begs to return her sincere acknowledgments for the encouragement she has experienced since opening the above Seminary, and takes this method of informing the public, that from the earnest solicitation of her friends, she has engaged Belmont House, in the pleasant and salubrious village of East Hoathly, Nr. Uckfield, to which she intends removing at Michaelmas next, where from the peculiarly well adapted situation of the mansion, she will be enabled to conduct the concern upon a more extensive scale, and hopes by a steady perseverance in attention to the comfort and happiness, as well as improvement of her pupils, to merit the continuance of that patronage and support which she has hitherto received. Terms, Young ladies are instructed in English grammar, geography, plain and fancy needlework etc. at twentyfive guineas per annum. No entrance money required. Masters upon the usual terms. Washing, half a guinea per quarter Each pupil is expected to bring six towels, a knife, fork and spoon; and a quarter's notice is required previous to leaving school, or a quarter's payment. The London and Eastbourne coaches pass the house daily.] [20.12.1813 Sussex Advertiser. Belmont House, East Hoathly, nr. Uckfield. Mrs. W. Scutt takes this opportunity to return thanks to her friends for the kind encouragement she has experienced, and entreats its continuance. The school has now closed for the present recess, and will reopen on Tuesday January 25th 1814.] [11.7.1814 Sussex Advertiser. Mrs. W. Scutt begs gratefully to acknowledge the patronage which she has experienced from her friends since her residence at Belmont House and respectfully informs them and the public that her seminary will reopen after the present recess, on Monday July 25th, when she hopes for a continuance of their support. East Hoathly, July 9] [In 1814 she announced she and her pupils had moved to Brighton.] [6.3.1815 Sussex Advertiser. Monday 6th March 1815. Mrs. W. Scutt arrived with her pupils from Belmont House, East Hoathly, on Saturday, at the Rev. Mr. Hamilton's House, Church Hill, which we understand she has engaged for a young Ladies Seminary.] [Will - Prob 11/1675 1823 Sep 09. Will of Winifred Scutt 47yr., widow of Islington, Middlesex.]

Eheschließung mit Benjamin Scutt

Benjamin, Doctor of Physic, (bachelor) 26+ Brighton. W H (spinster) 21+ Little Horsted


  • Geburt: (Marriage Certificate)
  • Heirat mit Benjamin Scutt: Sussex Marr Lic SofG
  • Tod: Will - Prob 11/1675

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