James Scutt 1873-1933

59 aastat, 11 kuud, 20 päeva

(1900) stoker, HMS Rodney
Sünd 17. mail 1873 • Bramber, West Sussex
Ristimine 17. augustil 1873 • Falmer (or Bramber), Sussex
[marriage event] koos  Elizabeth Wells umbes mail 1899 • East Preston district, West Sussex
Surm 6. mail 1933 • Fordcombe, Kent

Märkused [Official Number:278558.][J S - 59yr.] [Kent & Sussex Courier, Friday 12 May 1933. Fordcombe, Kent. The Late Mr. J. Scutt. The funeral of Mr. James Scutt, of 1 St. Peter's Terrace, took place at the Parish Churchyard on Saturday, the service being conducted by the Vicar (the Rev. W. Louis Allen). The Immediate mourners were Mr. and Mrs. C. Lucas, Mrs. Vlnall, Miss Rose Scutt, Miss Minnie Scutt, Mr. James Scutt, Miss Amy Lucas. Wreaths were received from; Charlie and Nance; Jim, Min and Rose; Lizzie and Dorothy; Mrs. F. Scutt and Family; Sister Emma; Bert, Mary and Ron; Edie; Ron, Amy and Violet; Mr. and Mrs. L. Walters; Mr. and Mrs. Dawson; Mr. and Mrs. Tedham. Messrs. A. Manktelow (Groombrldge) were the undertakers.]


  • Sünd: Steyning 2b 257 / Registers of Seamen's Services
  • Ristimine: IGI J148151
  • [marriage event] koos Elizabeth Wells: East Preston 2b 819
  • Surm: Tonbridge 2a 985 / Kent & Sussex Courier [1933 May 12]

kuni 16 à 7 sugupõlved
Esivanemad      3  4 [ascendants tree][horizontal tree][table] esivanemadPõhjalik raportVanus surres[surnames branch]Menu [tools] esivanemad
     – William Scutt ca 1793-1864
     – Elizabeth Lucas ca 1801-ca 1886
Charles Scutt ca 1828-ca 1903
Mary Scutt 1834-ca 1891
     ♦ Stephen Scutt 1812-1887
     – Mary Baker ?1814-1875

Õed ja vennad Suguluse leidmine 👪 [family time line]Onud ja tädidVenna- ja õelapsed
  1. William ca 1851-
  2. Stephen ca 1852-1911
  3. George ca 1855-
  4. Mary Anne ca 1857-
  5. Charles ca 1859-ca 1932
  6. Ellen ca 1861-
  7. Thomas ca 1863-1893
  8. Emma ca 1866-
  9. Frank ca 1869-ca 1932
  10. Lydia Lane ca 1871-1882
  11. James 1873-1933
  12. Alfred Edwin ca 1877-

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