Geburt im Jahre 1837 • Litlington, East Sussex
Taufe am 15. Juni 1837 • Glynde, East Sussex
Tod am 16. März 1854 • Didmarton, Gloucestershire - Didmarton Rectory

Notizen Sussex Advertiser, Tue 28 Mar 1854, Scutt - March 16, at Didmarton Rectory, Gloucestershire, aged 16, Thomas, only son of T. W. Scutt. Esq., and grandson of the late Rev. Thomas Scutt, of West Street, Brighton.] [Bath Chronicle & Weekly Gazette Thu 23 Mar 1854. March 10, at Didmarton Rectory, Gloucestershire, aged 16, Thomas, only son of T. W. Scutt. Esq., and grandson of the late Rev. Thomas Scutt, of West Street, Brighton.] [Morning Post, Monday 20 March 1854. Scutt — On the 16th inst., at Didmarton Rectory, Gloucestershire ,aged sixteen years, Thomas, only son of T. W. Scutt, Esq., and grandson of the late Rey. Thomas Scutt, of West Street, Brighton.]


  • Taufe: Sussex Baptism Index / IGI
  • Tod: Tetbury 6b 214 / IGI / Sussex Advertiser [1854 Mar 28]

bis 22 à 11 Generationen
Vorfahren      3  4 Stammbaum der Vorfahren[horizontal tree]Tabelle VorfahrenLange AnsichtAlter zum TodeszeitpunktZweige der FamiliennamenMenu hilfsmittel Vorfahren
     ♦ Thomas Scutt 1769-1852
     – Mary White †/1852
Thomas White Scutt 1808-ca 1855
Catherine Ann Ellman ca 1814-ca 1890
     – John Ellman 1787-1867
     – Catherine Springett Boys 1788-1866

Geschwister Verwandtschaft ermitteln 👪 [family time line]Onkel und TantenNeffen und Nichten
  1. Thomas 1837-1854
  2. Mary Cordelia ca 1838-ca 1919
  3. Fanny ca 1840-1854