[ 后代 of Edward Reginald Scutt]

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 0━┳ Edward Reginald Scutt ca 1942 &1972 Penelope A. Bruce
   ┣━1━━ David Allan Scutt 1974 &1995 Jane Brook
   ┣━2── Catherine Elisabeth Scutt 1975
   ┣━3─┬ Emma Louise Scutt 1977 & ------ Thompson
   ┃   ├─1── Alexa Jane Scutt 2000
   ┃   └─2━━ Michael David Scutt 2002
   ┣━4── Sarah Elizabeth M. Scutt ca 1981
   ┗━5━━ Thomas Crisford Scutt 1983

[total][:] 7 后代 (11 [persons] [with] [spouses])