William Scutt 1773-1848

75 jaar oud, 5 maanden oud, 5 dagen oud

Geboorte op 15 maart 1773 • Brighton, East Sussex
Doop op 14 mei 1773 • Brighton, East Sussex - St. Nicholas
Huwelijk op 19 april 1796 • Patcham, East Sussex
Overleden op 20 augustus 1848 • Eastbourne, East Sussex

Notities [Morning Post, Saturday 24 October 1801. Brighton, Oct 21. At no Former period was this place be more fashionably thronged. If we may judge from the assemblage of beauty on the Steine, this place is much admired by the British fair for the salubrity of autumnal sea-breezes. Steine-houses are not to be procured, and most on the East Ciiff are engaged during the winter. The hunting season has commenced, and promises excellent sport. Yesterday, that well-known sportsman, William Scutt, Esq. turned out a hare near the race-stand. Upwards of fifty gentlemen took the field; and after a chase of five hours, poor puss evaded the vigilance of her pursuers, to the disappointment of the amateurs of the chase. The farmers arc much indebted to the above mentioned gentleman, for the care he takes in protecting their fences and crops.] [Sussex Advertiser, Monday 06 September 1802. Freeholds at Brighton. To Be Sold, Two Capital Freehold Messuages or Dwelling-houses, with double coach-houfes, ftall ftables for 11 horfes, lodging rooms, and lofts over fame; and fundry tenements adjoining, eligibly fituate in the Eaft-ftreet, and near the market, in Brighton; a large extent of ground, capable of great encreafe of buildings, and much improvement, now let to Lieut. Col. Moore; Mr. Wm. Scutt; and Meff. Hill, Daniel, Stent, and others, by the year, at feveral rents, amounting (net) to £111 l. per annum. The above eftate is well worth the attention of the public, and the proprietor (felling to redeem Land-Tax) is willing to accommodate the purchafer with the loan of a reafonable part of the money, on fecurity of the premifes, for a period to be limited. To treat for the purchafe, and other particulars, pleafe apply to Mr. Medwin, of Horsham.] [Sussex Advertiser Tue 22 Aug 1848, Scutt - August 20, at Eastbourne, Mr. William Scutt, aged 75.] [Sussex Advertiser, East Sussex, Tuesday 29 August 1848. Eastbourne. Inquest - On Monday, the 2lst inst. inquest was held before F. H. Gell, Esq., at the New Inn, on the body of Mr William Scutt, a gentleman for many years resident this place, who expired somewhat suddenly early on the morning of the previous day. The jury, after hearing the evidence of Dr Hall and others, returned verdict of Natural death.]

Huwelijk met Sarah Drewe

W S of Hove - Banns.


  • Geboorte: WSRO Wills 1801/1819 / VRI
  • Doop: St. Nicholas Baptisms
  • Huwelijk met Sarah Drewe: CMB 1558-1840 SofG
  • Overleden: Sussex Advertiser [1848 Aug 22 & Aug 29]

tot aan 16 à 9 generaties
Voorouders      3  4 Stamboom voorouders[horizontal tree]Tabel vooroudersUitgebreide weergaveLeeftijd bij overlijdenNaamstakkenMenu nuttige zaken voorouders
     ♦ Benjamin Scutt 1711-ca 1754
     – Mary Turner 1718-
Thomas Scutt 1747-1795
Mary Smithers †1826

Broers en zusters Verwantschap bepalen 👪 [family time line]Ooms en tantesNeven en nichten (oom-, tantezegger)
  1. Thomas 1769-1852
  2. Benjamin ca 1770-?1819
  3. John ca 1772-ca 1812
  4. William 1773-1848
  5. Mary ca 1778-ca 1801
  6. Eliza 1781-

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