Edwin Charles Scutt ca 1861-1930

ehkä 68 vuotta vanha

Syntymä noin marraskuussa 1861 • Dover, Kent
Avioliitto sekä Hannah Elizabeth Johnson noin elokuussa 1881 • Dover, Kent - St Mary the Virgin
Kuolema 6. toukokuuta 1930 • Dover, Kent
Hautaus • Hougham, Kent - Christ Church

Lisätietoja [E S living in 1881 in Lydd, Kent.] [Dover Express Fri 04 Apr 1890. The Town Clerk said that objection was that the County Council was to made the controlling body public. About twenty applicants applied for the two vacancies of the office of Town Porter. Their names and ages having been read, the men were paraded in the Council Chamber. After they had retired the following were proposed. E. Hambook was proposed by Mr. Peake. E. C. Scutt was proposed by Mr. Smith and J. McKeen proposed by Mr. Thorpe. The voting was Scutt 11, Hambook 8, McKeen 4 the two first mentioned being elected.] [E C S - 68yr.] [Dover Express - Friday 16 May 1930. MR. E. C. SCUTT. The funeral took place on Saturday, at Charlton Cemetery, of Mr. Edwin Charles Scutt, Dock Checker, Southern Railway, whose death occurred on April 6th, his residence, 8 Priory Gate Road, at the age of sixty-eight years. The Rev, J. Lee was the officiating clergyman and the mourners present were: Mr. Edwin Scutt and Mr. Alfred Scutt (sons), Mrs. H. P. Edwards and Mrs. T. (daughters), Mr. Charles Scutt (brother), Mr H. T. Edwards and Mr. W. Spice (sons-in-law), and Mrs. E. Scutt (daughter-in-law). Floral tributes were sent from: his son, Ted; Alf & Emily; Florrie & Bert; Ciss & Harry (India); Ivy & Tom; Grandchildren; Charlie, Nellie & family; Jack Hose & family; Mr. & Mrs. Andrews & family; Mr. & Mrs. Smith & family; all at 5 Priory Gate Road; Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence & family; staff of the Dover Marina Station. The funeral arrangements were carried out by Messrs. Venner & Son.] [Dover Express Fri 15 Jul 1932 Kent, England. Scutt, In loving memory of our dear mother Hannah Elizabeth Scutt, who passed away July 12th, 1921. Also our dear father Edwin Charles Scutt who passed away May 6th 1930 - sadly missed by their loving daughters and sons.]


  • Syntymä: Dover 2a 685 / Census 1871 Essex
  • Avioliitto sekä Hannah Elizabeth Johnson: Dover 2a 1418
  • Kuolema: Dover 2a 1318

saakka 26 à 11 sukupolvet
Esivanhemmat      3  4 Esipolvitaulu[horizontal tree]Taulukko esivanhemmatLaaja esitysElinikäSukuhaaratMenu työkalut esivanhemmat
     ♦ John Scutt 1808-ca 1875
     – Elizabeth Ovenden 1811-ca 1888
Edwin Charles Scutt 1838-1868
Emma Jane Hambrook ca 1842-ca 1901
     – Charles Savage Hambrook
     – Sarah Potter Head

Sisarukset Sukulaisuuslaskelma 👪 [family time line]Sedät, enot ja täditSisarusten lapset
  1. Edwin Charles ca 1861-1930
  2. Charles Savage ca 1864-ca 1952
  3. John Henry ca 1866-ca 1935
  1. Henkilön Emma Jane Hambrook puolelta
    sekä ------ Pattison :
  2. Frederick Pattison Scutt ca 1872-1913
saakka 16 à 2 sukupolvet
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