[marriage event] amb Thomas Carson
[marriage event] amb Archie Scutt lo 27 de junh de 1936 • Rockdale, NSW, AUSTRALIA - St. John's
Decès en 1967 • Kogarah, NSW, AUSTRALIA

Nòtas The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW :1842-1954) Thursday 13 August 1931 p7 Family Notices. CARSON - The Relatives and Friends of Mr. & Mrs F W. STEPHENSON and FAMILY are respectfully invited to attend the Funeral of their beloved SON-IN-LAW and BROTHER-IN-LAW, Thomas Carson; to leave 80 Farr Street, Rockdale, THIS DAY at 2.15 p.m., for Church of England Cemetery, Woronora, by road. CARSON - The Relatives and Friends of the Misses MARY, BELL, & VIOLET CARSON, and Messrs. SAMUEL, WILLIAM, JOHN, JOSEPH, & GEORGE CARSON, are respectfully invited to attend the Funeral of their beloved BROTHER, Thomas, to leave his late residence, 89 Farr Street, Rockdale, THIS DAY, at 2.15 p.m., for the Church of England Cemetery, Woronora, by road. CARSON - The Members of the ROCKDALE & DISTRICT SCOTTISH ASSOCIATION are requested to attend the Funeral of their late Member, THOMAS CARSON; to leave his late residence, 89 Farr Street Rockdale, THIS DAY at 2,15 p.m., for Church of England Cemetery (Section 5), Woronora.

Maridatge amb Archie Scutt

Scutt-Carson - June 27, at St. John's, Rockdale, by Rev. T. Knox, Archie, third son of Mr. & Mrs. J. Scutt, Barraba, to Amy, widow of the late Thomas Carson, of Rockdale


  • [marriage event] amb Archie Scutt: 12214/1936 NSW / The Sydney Morning Herald [1936 Aug 01]
  • Decès: 39044/1967 NSW

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Frederick William Stephenson
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