Baptême le 10 mai 1818 • Horsham, West Sussex
Mariage avec Maria Clarke le 25 septembre 1840 • Hackney, London - St John
Décès le 5 mai 1891 • Southwark, London

Notes [South London Chronicle, London, Saturday 30 December 1865. Westminster. Harry Scraper, the employ of C. S. Jolly, corn merchant, of York Road, Lambeth, was fined 40s., for having been drunk, and incapable of taking care of horse and cart, was driving. He had brought the vehicle into collision with a cart driven by William Scutts, farrier, of New Kent Road, in Great George Street, causing great injury to the latter's horse, the amount of damages for which remained for assessment in the county court.] [Census 1881 - widow, living with his children in Newington, London (Surrey).] [W S - 73yr.]

Union avec Maria Clarke

Banns 1840 Sep 06


  • Baptême : WSRO PR 1540-1837
  • Mariage avec Maria Clarke : Hackney 3 98 / Census 1861 London (Surrey)
  • Décès : St. Saviour 1d 60

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     ♦ Charles Scutt 1765-1833
     – Mary Steel ca 1766-1837
Charles Scutt 1797-
Mary Ann Bull

Fratrie Calcul de parenté 👪 Chemin le plus court ♆Chronologie de la familleOncles et tantes
  1. William 1818-1891
  2. Powell 1821-
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