Avioliitto sekä Thomas Powell 6. helmikuuta 1729 • Bath Abbey, Somerset
Avioliitto sekä Arthur Bridger 10. marraskuuta 1743 • Slaugham, West Sussex
Kuolema [in (year)] 1763 • Horsham, West Sussex

Lisätietoja A P lived in The Causeway, Horsham. Will PCC (TNA) Prob11/887. This is the last Will and Testament of me Ann Bridger of Horsham in the County of Sussex Widow of Arthur Bridger late of the same place Gentleman deceased and before Ann Powell Widow of Thomas Powell of the same place Clerk deceased ffirst I give and devise unto my Son Seymour Powell of the same place Gentleman all my Messuage ffarm and Lands in Warnham in the occupation of John Cheeseman called ..or by what other Name the same is or may be called unto my said Son Seymour Powell and his Heirs and Assigns for ever In Trust nevertheless and to and for the Uses Intents and Purposes following that is to say that he the said Seymour Powell his Heirs Executors Administrators and Assigns shall and will with all convenient Speed after my decease sell and dispose thereof for the best Price that can or may be got for the same and the Money arising by such sale to be paid and disposed of as follows that is to say one third part thereof to be paid to my Daughter Amie the Wife of John Townsend of Salisbury in the Count of Wilts Clerk one other third part to my Daughter Anne Powell spinster who lives with me and the remaining third part to my daughter Jane the Wife of William Scutt of Horsham aforesaid Collarmaker Also I give and bequeath unto my said Daughter Ann the Sum of one hundred pounds of good and lawfull Money to be paid unto her out of my Personal Estate and Effects within twelve Months next after my decease by my Executor hereinafter named Also I give unto my said Daughter Ann all the ffurniture of the Parlour and my Best Bed that may be in the House at the time of my decease and every thing thereto belonging one Easy chair five other Chairs one Bureau one Dressing Walnut Tree table with Draws the Chimney Glass Dressing Glass and Window Curtains in my Room and all the Rest and Residue of my Household ffurniture Linnen and China that shall remain in my House at the time of my decease and not yet hereby disposed of I give unto my said two daughters Ann and Jane equally to be divided between them share and share alike my just Debts and ffuneral Expences being thereout first satisfied and paid and as to my plate I dispose thereof as follows (that is to say) to my son Seymour Powell one pair of Candlesticks to my said Daughter Amie Townshend my Gold Watch with an Enamelled Plate and also the Gold Dial Plate together with six large spoons and one Large Soup Spoon marked with the ffamily Crest to my said Daughter Ann my Coffee Pott Ten (?tea) Spoons Tongs and Strainer two large Spoons one with a Scoop at the End markt T M the other T R and a Saucepan with the Seymours Arms engraved And Lastly I do nominate constitute and appoint my said Son Seymour Powell sole Executor and Residuary Legatee of this my last Will and Testament hereby revoking all former Wills In Testimony whereof I have hereunto set my Hand and Seal this twentieth day of June in the Year one thousand seven hundred and sixty one Anne Bridger. Ann Waller, John Pitford (Pilfold), Robt Grace. Proved: 18 May 1763.

Aviopuoliso(t) Thomas Powell

1728 Febuary also possible

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