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Rachel Brain ca 1865-1950

võib-olla 85 aastat
  • Sündinud umbes 1865 - Westcott Barton, Oxfordshire
  • Surnud 26. juulil 1950 - Surrey (South West)

Abielu ja lapsedtree desc.

[individual notes]

[A S & R S living in 1891 in Keymer at Millhall Cottages. Notice is hereby given, that the Partnership heretofore subsisting between us the undersigned, Ernest Scutt and Rachel Scutt, carrying on business at 14 & 41 Church-road, and 44 Artillery Road, Guildford, as Grocers, Provision Merchants, Pork Butchers, Greengrocers, and Fruiterers, under the style or firm of Scutt BROS., has been dissolved by mutual consent as and from the fifth day of April 1909. All debts due by the said late firm will be paid by the said Ernest Scutt, debts due to the grocery and provision businesses at 41 Church-road, and 44 Artillery-road, are to be paid to the said Ernest Scutt, amid debts due to the greengrocery and fruiterers business carried on at 14 Church-road, are to be paid to Bachel Scutt; and the said businesses at 41 Church-road, and 44 Artillery Road, will be carried on in the future by the said Ernest Scutt, who will continue these businesses under the style or firm of Scutt Bros.; and the said business at 14 Church-road, will be carried on in the future by the said Bachel Scutt in her own name. Dated this fifth day of April 1909. Ernest Scutt - Rachel Scutt.] [R S 82yr.]


  • Sünd: Census 1891.
  • Abielu: Woodstock 3a 1291.
  • Surm: Surrey S W 5g 633.