Charles Sidney Scutt ca 1872-1940

možno 68 rokov

(1904) dentist
Narodenie okolo júl 1872 • Penge, Surrey
[marriage event] s  Ellen Lucy Magarey dňa 29. júl 1903 • Enfield, SA, AUSTRALIA
Úmrtie dňa 13. júl 1940 • North Adelaide, SA, AUSTRALIA - Stanley Street
Pohreb • West Terrace Cemetery, Adelaide, SA, AUSTRALIA

Poznámky [Shipping Arrivals May 27. The Sydney Morning Herald Tuesday 28 May 1901 p4 Article. R.M.S. Aorangi, Canadian - Australian line, Captain C. W. Hay, from Vancouver. Passengers - Mr. M. A. Phillips, ....., Mr. C. S. Scutt, Mr. A. Chappell.] [The Advertiser 1901 Sep 21 Sidney Scutt was appointed as dental surgeon for the Order.] [Saturday 12 September 1903 - Scott-MagareyY - On the 29th July, at Enfield, Charles Sidney, son of James Scutt, of Wahroonga, N.S.W., to Ellen Lucy, youngest daughter of the late Thomas Magarey.] [The Register (Adelaide) Wednesday 9 December 1903 p2 Advertising. Public Notices. Mr. C Sidney Scutt, Dental Surgeon, now removed to North Terrace - next Adelaide Club.] [C S S lived in Adelaide, Australia - British citizen.] [Thursday 18 January 1912 Furnished House, Wanted, March 1; about Nine Rooms, with Motor House; North Adelaide preferred. C Sidney Scutt, North terrace.] [The Advertiser - Adelaide, SA Saturday 3 October 1914 p14 Article. A Valuable Discovery. There is on the property of Mr. Sidney Scutt, at Aldgate, a well 40 ft. deep, with a bore 10 ft. deeper at the bottom, from which good clear water is obtained. The well is on the hillside, at such an elevation that the water when pumped to the surface will gravitate over the two-storey house through pipes. A service has been installed for domestic uses, but soon after the reticulation was completed it was discovered that from the crystal fluid was precipitated a yellow deposit, which left a bitter taste when placed on the tongue. The water is preferred by Mr. Scutt's stock to the water in the creek and elsewhere. Finding that the enamel in the bath and that both bedroom and kitchen utensils were discoloured, Mr. Scutt submitted a sample of the fluid to the Government Analyst for analysis, which proved that the water contained properties that made it superior to the best mineral waters found in England and elsewhere. The analyst reported: "The sample was found to contain ferrous bicarbonate, 11.68 gr. per gallon; sodium chloride, 6.92 gr.; sodium sulphate, 0.48 gr.; free carbonic acid, 4.80 gr. The sample is therefore a Chalybeate Spa water. The ferrous bicarbonate is equivalent to 8.41 gr. of ferrous carbonate, or 5.8 gr. of ferric oxide per gallon. Well known Chalybeate waters, such as Spa, Tunbridge Wells, Alexisbad, Schwalbach, Orexza, &c, contain usually from 1 grain to 10 grains of ferrous carbonate per gallon. Referring to the matter on Friday, Mr. Hargreaves, the analyst, remarked: "When Mr. Scutt asked me what he ought to do with it", I replied, "Bottle it and sell it as an iron tonic. There's a fortune in it". Persons travel long distances in England and elsewhere to get tonic waters of this kind, and here we have within a few miles of Adelaide a water that is better than the best at such places as Tunbridge Wells. It is the only water of its kind in South Australia that I have come across, and as a pure iron tonic the well ought to be made to produce a fortune."] [The Mail (Adelaide, SA) Saturday 18 September 1915. Mr. & Mrs. Sidney Scutt, two children, and maid have returned to Aldgate after spending a short holiday at Woodstock, Port Elliot.] [Mr. C. S. Scutt, who is going to Great Britain, Canada, and the United States has been given an honorary commission to enquire into matters relating to dentistry in those countries.] [The Sydney Morning Herald Tuesday 20 January 1920 Mosman, An important Auction Sale will be held this day, Tuesday, January 20th, at 10.30am By Order of C. Sydney Scutt, Esq., On Account of Relinquishing Housekeeping. The Superior Modern Furniture and Household Appointments Contained in the Residence, Rossmoyne, 178 Raglan Street, MosmanN (near Military Road), including GLASS, CHINA, and ELECTROPLATE, LINOLEUM, VALUABLE DINING ROOM SUITE in Tasmanian Blackwood, Comprising:....... W A Little, Expert Valuator, Fine Art, and General Auctioneer, 42 Castlereagh Street (directly opposite Hotel Australia) Telephone City 4938] [1920 Mar 07 in transit from Australia to Canada age 47yrs., (www.ellisislandrecords)] [The Sydney Morning Herald. ARRIVALS - April 23, 1920. Niagara, R.M.S., 13,415 tons, Captain Rolls, from Vancouver, via ports. Passengers - Mrs. M. Jones, Mrb A Moore, Mr C. S. Scutt, Mr & .....] [The Register (Adelaide) Saturday 12 August 1922 p12 Article Illustrated. Mr. C Sidney Scutt has resumed practice after his recent illness.] [Personal. The Register (Adelaide, SA :1901-1929) Wednesday 2 May 1923 p8 Article. Mr. & Mrs. C. Sidney Scutt and family will leave for Melbourne by the express today to embark on the steamer Leitrim for England.] [The Register, Adelaide, SA :Thursday 12 February 1925 p3 Article Damages for Collison. In the Adelaide Local Court, on Wednesday, Mr. H. K. Paine S.M., delivered judgment in a case in which Ernest James Hume, of Park Terrace, Parkside, engineer, claimed £490 damages from C. S. Scutt of Aldgate, arising out of a collision at the corner of Halifax and King William Streets on June 13 last between the plaintiff's motor car and one driven by the defendant. The defendant counterclaimed £119 17/6. Mr. G C Ligertwood, with Mr. H. Thomson, represented the plaintiff, and Mr. T. S. O'Halloran K.C., with Mr. E. Povey, the defendant. The S.M. said the defendant and Hume (the driver of the plaintiff's car) had both shown negligence, in as much as they had failed to keep a proper lookout. Both had contributed directly to the collision. Hume was driving his father's car, with his father's knowledge and consent. He was on his own private errand, however, which had nothing to do with his father. The position was not that of employer and servant, or employer and agent. It was rather that of bailor and bailee. After having quoted an authority, the S.M. said that in the circumstances the owner of the car was entitled to recover damages. After having considered the question of the amount of damages. His Honor said there would be judgment for the plaintiff on the claim for £252 12/3. There would also be judgment for the plaintiff on the counterclaim. Mr. Povey intimated that he desired time to consider the principle mentioned by the S.M. with respect to the finding that the position was that of bailor and bailee; and a stay of proceedings for 2 days was granted.] [Personal. The Register News-Pictorial, Adelaide, Thursday 31 January 1929 p8 Article. Passengers booked at Adelaide to leave by the RMS. Cathay, which sails for London at 5 pm. to-day, were: Mrs. F. H. Cowell & ..... , Mr. & Mrs. C. Sidney Scutt, Miss E. S. Scutt, Mr. Francis H. Snow, ....] [1930 Nov 04 "emigrated" Inward passenger list "Cathay" arrived Fremantle 4 Nov 1930, K269/4. Port of embarkation: London. Port of disembarkation: Adelaide (National Archives of Australia)] [The Advertiser (Adelaide, SA :1931-1954) Monday 15 July 1940 p8 Family Notices. Scutt - On the 13th of July, at 261 Stanley Street, North Adelaide, Charles Sidney Scutt, aged 68 years.]

[marriage with] Ellen Lucy Magarey

Charles Sidney Scutt(31) single. Father:James Scutt. Ellen Lucy Magarey(37) single. Parents:Thomas Magarey & Elizabeth Verco. place:res. of Mrs T Magarey, Enfield


  • Narodenie: Croydon 2a 197 / Census 1881 Kent
  • [marriage event] s Ellen Lucy Magarey: South Australian Marriages, Registrations 1842-1916 [Digger] Book/Page:216/372 / IGI - batch 2034861
  • Úmrtie: SA # 626/3094 / The Advertiser [1944 Jul 15] / IGI

až po  26 à 11 generácie
Predkovia      3  4 [ascendants tree][horizontal tree][table] predkoviaDlhý zoznamVek v dobe úmrtia[surnames branch]Menu [tools] predkovia
     ♦ William Scutt 1802-1889
     – Sarah Kinch 1812-ca 1881
James Scutt 1843-ca 1919
Louisa Harris ca 1839-1909

Súrodenci Nájdenie vzťahov 👪 Najkratšia cesta ♆[family time line]Strýkovia a tetySynovci a netere
  1. William Albert Scott ca 1867-
  2. Louisa Agnes ca 1869-
  3. Florence Elizabeth ca 1870-
  4. Charles Sidney ca 1872-1940
  5. Gertrude Minnie Maria ca 1875-1935
  6. Edith Blanche ca 1879-
  7. James Leonard Scott ca 1882-

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