Up to the 7th generation

    ┌── Robert Denton
└── Irene J. Denton ca 1941
    │              ┌── Thomas Daughtrey ca 1775-1837
    │           ┌── Thomas Daughtrey ca 1791-1873
    │           │  └── Elizabeth ------ †1804
    │        ┌── Hugh Daughtrey 1829-ca 1892
    │        │  └── Elizabeth ------ ca 1796-1836
    │     ┌── George Hugh Daughtrey ca 1865-ca 1944
    │     │  └── Elizabeth Peskett ca 1832-ca 1913
    │  ┌── James Hugh Daughtrey ca 1892-ca 1961
    │  │  └── Martha Emmeline Scrace ca 1867-ca 1931
    └── Winifred Irene Daughtrey ca 1920-ca 1950
       └── Selina Annie Sarah Searle ca 1888-ca 1944

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