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Thelma Bertha Carter 1923-1998

  • Dzimšanas gads: 1923
  • Miršanas datums: 1998.gada 23.septembris - SA, AUSTRALIA
  • Apbedīts mēnesī 1998 septembris - Enfield Memorial Park, Roberts Memorial Rose Garden

Ģimene un bērnitree desc. tree desc.

[individual notes]

[The Advertiser (Adelaide, SA :1931-1954) Tuesday 29 March 1949 p12 Family Notices Engagements: Carter-Scudds, The engagement is announced of Beth, second daughter or Mr. & Mrs. P. W. Carter. Roseworthy, to Kelvin, only son of Mr. & Mrs. Howard Scudds, Nailsworth.] [The Advertiser (Adelaide, SA :1931-1954) Friday 16 December 1949 p24 Family Notices - Carter-Scudds: The marriage of Beth second daughter of Mr. & Mrs. P.W. Carter of Roseworthy to Kelvin Howard, only son of Major & Mrs. H. Wilson Scudds, Prospect Gardens, will be solemnised at Archer Street Methodist, North Adelaide, at 6pm on Dec 17th.] [T S 75yr., Known as Beth.] [1998 Sep 25 also noted.]

Avoti (pirmsākums?)

  • Ģimene: The Advertiser [1949 Mar 29 & Dec 16] / Murray Tonkin.
  • Nāve: South Australian Genealogy & Heraldry Society Inc..

   Ada Jane


Thelma Bertha
