Kelvin Howard Scudds 1923-2001


Kelvin/Howard Kelvin/Howard
77 jaar oud, 3 maanden oud, 14 dagen oud

Geboorte op 9 december 1923 • Adelaide, SA, AUSTRALIA
Huwelijk met Thelma Bertha Carter op 17 december 1949 • North Adelaide, SA, AUSTRALIA
Overleden op 23 maart 2001 • SA, AUSTRALIA
Begrafenis • Enfield Memorial Park, Roberts Memorial Rose Garden

Notities [The Advertiser (Adelaide, SA :1931-1954) Tuesday 8 June 1948 p5 Article. Remanded - Bail was allowed Kelvin Howard Scudds 24, apprentice electrlcal fitter, of Asquith Street, Nailsworth, when he was remanded until Friday on a charge of having, on May 26 received two wheels, valued at $5, the property of the RAAAP.] [The Advertiser (Adelaide, SA :1931-1954) Tuesday 29 March 1949 p12 Family Notices ENGAGEMENTS: CARTER-SCUDDS, The engagement is announced of Beth, second daughter or Mr. & Mrs. P. W. Carter. Roseworthy, to Kelvin, only son of Mr & Mrs Howard Scudds, Nailsworth.] [The Advertiser (Adelaide, SA :1931-1954) Friday 16 December 1949 p24 Family Notices - CARTER-SCUDDS: The marriage of Beth second daughter of Mr. & Mrs. P W Carter of Roseworthy to Kelvin Howard, only son of Major & Mrs. H Wilson Scudds, Prospect Gardens, will be solemnised at Archer Street Methodist, North Adelaide, at 6pm on Dec 17th.] [Scudds, Kelvin Howard: Service Number 48614 : Date of birth:09 Dec 1923 : Place of birth:Adelaide, SA : Place of enlistment:Adelaide: Next of Kin: Scudds, Lynda. (Leading Aircraftman) Unit - No 58 Operational Base Unit Drysdale, Royal Australian Air Force: Date of Court Martial - 5 February 1944]. Contents date range 1939-1948.] [Kelvin was a Sergeant Telegraphist, and his service was known to include a posting to Drysdale, when the airstrip there was part of the early frontline against the Japanese. His service also included the Gawler W.T. From there he was posted as I.C. to 7RS on Wedge Island which was then on a care and maintenance basis. Kelvin was also a TPI man [Morrie Fenton, SA].]


  • Geboorte: National Archives of Australia
  • Huwelijk met Thelma Bertha Carter: The Advertiser [1949 Mar 29 & Dec 16] / Murray Tonkin
  • Overleden: The Advertiser [1948 Jun 08] / Morrie Fenton, SA [website]

tot aan 20 à 9 generaties
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     ♦ Benjamin Scudds 1865-1911
     ◊ Joan Robertson Wilson 1870-1959
Howard Wilson Scudds 1895-1984
Lynda Jessie Octavia Collins †1961

Broers en zusters Verwantschap bepalen 👪 [family time line]Ooms en tantes
  1. Kelvin Howard 1923-2001
  1. Van Lynda Jessie Octavia Collins's kant
    met Stanley Cyril Spicer Collins †ca 1921:
  2. Phillip 1917
  3. Vernon  - 
  4. John 1921
tot aan 7 à 2 generaties
Afstammelingen  1  2 [descendants tree][descendant tree view]Tabel afstammelingenUitgebreide weergaveMenu nuttige zaken afstammelingen