Up to the 7th generation

    ┌── ------ Palmer
└── ------ Palmer
    │              ┌── James Scudds 1807-1867
    │           ┌── William Scudds ca 1827-1906
    │           │  └── Mary ------ ca 1803-ca 1867
    │        ┌── Samuel Scudds 1856-1929
    │        │  └── Emma Carter 1827-1881
    │     ┌── Samuel Scudds 1899-1973
    │     │  └── Martha Priest 1881-1957
    │  ┌── Raymond Davies Scudds 1923-1990
    │  │  └── Lillian McCourt Davies 1899-1991
    └── Christine Kaye Scudds 1952
       │  ┌── William Ernest Wiseman
       └── Mary Hilda Wiseman 1924-1997
          └── Hilda Honey Queenie Catherine Reynolds

Tools ascending tree      
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