Actor (
Nascita in u in u 1955 • Perth, WA, AUSTRALIA
Matrimoniu cù Patricia Gainey in u in u 1978 • Perth, WA, Australia
Trapassu u 30 d'aostu 2021 • WA., AUSTRALIA
Sepultura • Pinnaroo Valley Memorial Park

Note Scudds, Keith; Our dear husband, dad & Granddad sadly passed away on Monday 30th August. We miss you. You'll forever be in our hearts. Love from Pat, Shaun, Juanita, Brendon, Jodie, Kevin & your beloved grandchildren. The Funeral Service for the late Mr Keith James Scudds of Morley will be held at Pinnaroo Valley Memorial Park in the West Chapel on Friday (10.09.2021) at 3.00pm. Private cremation.


  • Nascita : Jack A. Imms
  • Matrimoniu cù Patricia Gainey : Jack A. Imms
  • Trapassu : The West Annoucenments

fin’à 24 à 10 generazioni
Antenati      3  4 Arburu d’ascendenzaArburiscenza ascendenteTavula antenatiLista longaEtà à u trapassuGhjembe patronimicheMenu attrezzi antenati
     ♦ Prosperous Scudds 1891-1964
     ◊ Priscilla Jane Robbins 1899-2001
Jim Stafford Scudds 1921-2007
Sylvia Margaret Ellis ca 1937-2008

Fratelli è surelle Calculu di parentia 👪 Cronulugia di a famigliaZii è zieNipoti
  1. Neil Stafford 1954
  2. Keith James 1955-2021
  3. Julie 1957
  4. Denise Margaret 1960-2009

Discendenti Arburu di discendenzaArburiscenza discendenteTavula discendentiLista longaMenu attrezzi discendenti