Joyce Mary Scudds 1925

98 ára, 8 mánaðar gamall, 15 daga gamall

Fæðing   19 oktober 1925 • Blackwood, SA, AUSTRALIA
[marriage event]   19 oktober 1946 • Queenstown, SA, AUSTRALIA - Church of Christ

Athugasemdum [The Advertiser (Adelaide, SA: 1931-1954) Saturday 14 July 1945 p14 Family Notices. Engagements, SCUDDS-HUXLEY. The engagement is announced of Joyce, elder daughter of Mr. & Mrs. S. Scudds, of Queenstown to Able Seaman Roy, younger son of Mrs. B. & the late Mr. T. Huxley, of Exeter.] [The Advertiser (Adelaide, SA :1931-1954) Saturday 12 October 1946 p20 Family Notices, SCUDDS-HUXLEY. The marriage of Joyce M, elder daughter of Mr. & Mrs S. Scudds of Queenstown to Roy A., younger son of Mrs. B. & the late Mr. T. W. Huxley, of Exeter, will be solemnized at Queenstown Church of Christ, on October 19 at 6.45pm Western Mail.]


  • Fæðing: SA # 162A/454
  • [marriage event] með Roy Allan Thomas Huxley: The Advertiser [1946 Oct 12] / Bruce Maxwell

upp að 18 à 9 kynslóðir
Forfeður      3  4 [ascendants tree][horizontal tree][table] forfeðurLöng skýrslaDánaraldur[surnames branch]Menu [tools] forfeður
     ♦ Samuel Scudds 1856-1929
     – Martha Priest 1881-1957
Samuel Scudds 1899-1973
Lillian McCourt Davies 1899-1991

Systkyni Reikna tengsl 👪 Stysta leið ♆[family time line]Föður(móður)systur og föður(móður)bræðurBræðra og systrabörn
  1. Raymond Davies 1923-1990
  2. Joyce Mary 1925
  3. Fay Lillian 1933
  4. Mervyn Samuel ca 1936

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