Howard Wilson Scudds 1895-1984


Howard/Howard William

Naissance le 12 août 1895 • Stirling West, Adelaide, SA, AUSTRALIA
Mariage en 1922 • Adelaide, SA, AUSTRALIA
Décès en 1984 • Qld, AUSTRALIA

Notes [Major Howard Wilson Scudds - Service Number:SX12516 : Date of birth:12 Aug 1895. Place of birth: Stirling, SA. Place of enlistment: Wayville, SA. Next of Kin: Scudds, Lynda.] [AUSTRALIANS in ActionCTION. 118th Casualty List. RELEASED for PUBLICATION LAST NIGHT. 779 NAMES. Barrier Miner (Broken Hill, NSW :1888-1954) Thursday 2 December 1915 p1 Article Private H. W. Scudds, Adelaide, in Malta Hospital; previously reported ill.] [PERSONAL NOTES. The Register (Adelaide, SA :1901-1929) Tuesday 4 September 1917 p5 Article Mrs. Scudds, of North Adelaide, has been notified that her only son, Sgt Howard Scudds has received his commission as a lieutenant, and is back again in France. He left Australia with the forces in 1914.] [Lt. Howard Wilson Scudds, M.C., Infy. For conspicuous gallantry and determination in leading his platoon forward to the attack. By good leadership and skillful handling he quickly reached his objective and inflicted heavy casualties on the enemy. Later, with one of his platoon, he moved forward again and captured a machine gun and five prisoners. (M.C. gazetted 19th November, 1917). Lieutenant Australian Army, 10th.Battalion - 1918 MC Cross.] [The Register (Adelaide, SA :1901-1929) Friday 22 February 1918 p8 Article LIEUT. H. SCUDDS, M.C. Mrs. Scudds of North Adelaide, has received from her only son Lieut. Howard Scudds, M.G. a copy of a letter sent to him by Gen. Birdwood. The letter stated: I write to congratulate you very heartily upon the award of the Military Cross, in recognition of your good work, in the operations near Ypres between September 19 and September 22. I know what great courage and initiative you displayed in leading your platoon against the enemy's strong point, your capture of which enabled the advance to continue. Your good work, too in the capture - and consolidation of the final objective, was of a very high order, and I thank you so much for it.] [The Advertiser Saturday 19 October 1918. Among the Australian officers who received bars to their Military Crosses this week was Lieutenant H. W. Scudds, of the 10th (S.A.) Battalion. Lieutenant Scudds was born in 1895. He gained his commission with that unit on June 28, 1917. He was awarded the Military Cross on November 18, 1917, for conspicuous gallantry in France, and was decorated by the King at Buckingham Palace on May 4, 1918.] [SUPPLEMENT to the EDINBURGH GAZETTE, MARCH 25, 1918. 2nd Lt. Howard Wilson Scudds, Inf. For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty in leading his platoon against a strong point which was holding up the advance. His prompt and skillful action enabled the advance to continue, and he then led his platoon to the capture of the final objective. He showed great ability and fearlessness during the consolidation.] [The Register (Adelaide, SA :1901-1929) Thursday 24 June 1926. Tramway Man's Pay. A case to test whether, under, a wages award between the Municipal Tramways Trust and the Amalgamated Engineering Union, an employee of the latter who was absent for a period owing to illness, and who had been paid in accordance with the award for six days absence, was entitled to payment for a holiday which occurred in the period subsequent to the six days while he was still away sick, was heard by Mr. E. M. Sabine, P.M., at the Adelaide Police Court on Wednesday. The information was laid by Percival Alfred Elliott, of the Engineering Union (for whom Mr. H. B. Piper appeared), and it was alleged that the trust had unlawfully deducted £1 from the wages of Howard William Scudds, a fitter, in respect of the payment for last Christmas Day holiday. Mr. T. S. 0'Halloran, K.C, for the Trust, said he admitted the facts in the case, but would contest the charge on the law. After argument, the Magistrate decided that the employee was not entitled to the payment, and dismissed the charge.] [LINER STRATHMORE. Italian Prisoners for Naples. The West Australian (Perth, WA :1879-1954) Wednesday 13 November 1946 p5 Article Carrying 1,500 Italian prisoners of war to be disembarked at Naples, the liner Strathmore arrived at Fremantle yesterday. She is expected to leave at 7 o'clock this morning. The Italians were all embarked at Adelaide and are under the command of Major H. W. Scudds, of Adelaide. Included in the draft are 31 Italian officers among whom the highest rank is Lieut-Colonel. There are now about 900 Italian prisoners left in South Australia. The Strathmore is still operating as a transport under the command of the British Ministry of War Transport. Apart from civilian passengers she is carrying members of the Royal Navy, Royal Netherlands Navy, Royal Marines, Royal Air Force, Indian Army and W.R.N.S. Passengers on the ship, including the prisoners of war, total 2,100.] [Out of the Mail Bag Fan Mail The Mail (Adelaide, SA :1912-1954) Saturday 22 March 1947 p4 Article Illustrated - Filled at Last. When Major Howard Scudds, M.C. and bar, of Prospect, returned from England this week, he had every page filled of an autograph book which he began in 1914. The last entry was most imposing. It was the signature of Sir Jung Bahadur Rane Shunshere Singha, Minister for Nepal in London. This signature enriched the variety of nationalities represented by the autographs. Most are English, but there is a goodly sprinkling of French, Italian, and Belgian names. Under the names of several members of the First A.I.F., who signed the book between 1914 and 1919 are the signatures of their sons, who travelled abroad with Major Scudds, or served under him in the Second World War.] [mother stated as June Scudds.]


  • Naissance : South Australian Births 1842-1906 Book:569 Page:26 / The London Gazette [1918] / - Great War / IGI
  • Mariage avec Lynda Jessie Octavia Collins : SA # 291/1065 / Denise McMinn
  • Décès : Qld # 56362 / The Register (Adelaide, SA :1901-1929) [1917 Sep 04]

jusqu’à 18 à 8 générations
Ascendants      3  4 Arbre d’ascendanceArborescence ascendanteTableau ascendantsAffichage completÂge au décèsBranches patronymiquesMenu outils ascendants
     ♦ William Scudds ca 1827-1906
     – Emma Carter 1827-1881
Benjamin Scudds 1865-1911
Joan Robertson Wilson 1870-1959
     – Thomas Wilson
     – Isabella Warlkar Smith

Fratrie Calcul de parenté 👪 Chronologie de la familleOncles et tantesNeveux et nièces
  1. Howard Wilson 1895-1984
  2. Marjorie Joan 1898-1969
  3. Donald William 1906-1906
  4. Joan Isabella 1910-1910
  5. James 1911-
jusqu’à 8 à 3 générations
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