Up to the 7th generation

       ┌── Harold Watson
    ┌── Harold Watson Scudds 1914-1982
    │  │     ┌── Cyrus Kimball
    │  │  ┌── Hartley Owen Kimball 1861-1913
    │  │  │  └── Grace Owen
    │  └── Lily Jane Scudds 1890-
    │     │        ┌── Richard Scudds 1769-ca 1841
    │     │     ┌── Thomas Scudds 1802-ca 1853
    │     │     │  └── Elizabeth Edney 1765-1830
    │     │  ┌── Richard Scudds 1835-1917
    │     │  │  └── Sophia Looker ca 1801-1853
    │     └── Alice Jane Scudds 1872-1934
    │        │  ┌── Elijah Harvey ca 1821-1883
    │        └── Phoebe Ann Harvey 1849-1888
    │           └── Anne Hutchisson 1832-
┌── Vincent Terrence Scudds 1946
    └── Maureen Frances Walsh †1994

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