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  • Född - CANADA

Äktenskap och barntree desc.

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Smith-le Bar.‎ Toronto Daily Star - Oct 6, 1945. Canon Robt. A. Armstrong officiated at the marriage on Sept 27. In the church of The Redeemer of Phyllis Doreen Le Bar to Reginald Stanley Smith. Given away by her uncle Alfred Scudds, the bride wore a white embroidered street dress, a small white hat with shoulder veil and bouquet of red roses. She had on the groom's gift, a pearl necklace. Barbara Pleschell was bridesmaid in a podwer blue frock with matching hat and pink roses. Jack parks was groomsman. Ushers were Robert Smith and Gordon Bosworth. The bride's aunt; Mrs. Alfred Scudds, received in a black and white ensemble with corsage of white gladioli. The groom's mother Mrs. P J Smith, assisted, wearing Chinese green with corsage of yellow gladioli. For travelling the bride wore black and white suit with black hat and mauve orchids. Guests were present from New York and Cobourg.


ca 1871-ca 1955
   | 1891 |

La Bass


ca 1893-1926

Phyllis Doreen
La Bass