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[paternal grand-parents], ooms en tantes

[maternal grand-parents], ooms en tantes

Phoebe E. M. Scudds 1904-1924

Phoebe E. M./Phoebe
20 jaar.
  • Gebore in 1904 - Dubbo, NSW, AUSTRALIA
  • Gesneuwel in 1924 - Dungog, NSW, AUSTRALIA

[individual notes]

SYDNEY, Wedmesday In a motoring accident on the Wangat Road, near Dungog (N.S.W) at dusk on Tuesday, a young woman was killed, two women were fatally injured, and two others were injured so severely that they are still unconscious. In the dusk of the evening a bullock team was hauling logs across a road, and was using a wire rope for the work. A motor car carrying seven persons, employees of the Bank Hotel, at Dungog approached, and the bullock-driver signalled the driver of the motorcar in an effort to acquaint him of the rope across the road. The motor driver failed to see the wire and as the last of the bullocks had crossed the road he believed that the way was clear. The wire caught the motorcar, stripped the windscreen, steering wheel and hood, and injured the passengers. Out of control the car ran along the road, then plunged over a bank, broke through a strong fence, and somersaulted down a 40feet slope, throwing the occupants in all directions. The bullock driver hurried away for assistance, and on the road he met Mr C Davidson, of Newcastle and Mr J Ray who were travelling from Wangat to Dungog. They hurried to the spot where the motor car had disappeared into the valley. They found that Miss Peggy Forte was dead. Four others Mrs Lowden, Ellen Gibbs, Phoebe Scudds, and Gertie Wilson, were unconscious. Miss Cissie Smith, who had been thrown against a fence, was only slightly injured, but the driver of the motor car, Leslie Robinson, was severely injured. It was a difficult task to carry the injured persons up the bank to the road but this was accomplished as speedily as possible. The injured were taken to the hospital at Dungog. Ellen Gibbs and Phoebe. Sudds died this morning. Mrs Louden and Gertie Wilson are still unconsious. Leslie Robinton is suffering from a broken pelvis and other injuries. The party had been on a visit to Chichester dam, and were on the way home when the accident happened.


  • Geboorte: NSW BMD 21722.
  • Oorlede: NSW BMD 15325 / The Sydney Morning Herald 1842-1954.

Phoebe Ann

   William Thomas


| 1868 |    | 1882 |

Albert William

   Maud Sophia

ca 1882-1960

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