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Isän puolen isovanhemmat, sedät, enot ja tädit

    • Richard Scudds 1769-ca 1841
    • vihitty 1789
    • Elizabeth Edney 1765-1830
      • Sarah Scudds 1790-
      • William Scudds 1792-1792
      • William Scudds 1794-1858
        vihitty 1818 Mary Ralf ca 1791-1859
      • Sophia Scudds 1796-1831
        vihitty 1820 William Varney 1798-1886
      • Mary Scudds 1798-ca 1799
      • Richard Scudds 1800-ca 1876
        vihitty 1822 Mary White ca 1801-ca 1865
      • Thomas Scudds 1802-ca 1853
        vihitty 1827 Sophia Looker ca 1801-1853
      • Mary Ann Scudds 1804-
      • James Scudds 1807-1867
        vihitty 1827 Mary ------ ca 1803-ca 1867
      • Elias Scudds 1808-ca 1855
        vihitty 1830 Lucy Blackall †ca 1842
      • John Scudds 1812-ca 1878
        vihitty 1836 Eliza Absolom 1806-ca 1901

Israel Scudds ca 1829-ca 1909

ehkä 80 vuotta vanha
  • Syntynyt noin 1829 - Newnham Murren, Oxfordshire
  • Kuollut noin helmikuussa 1909 - Wallingford, Berkshire

Avioliitto ja lapset

  • Puoliso noin toukokuussa 1850, Wallingford, Berkshire, Elizabeth Gregory ca 1827-ca 1905, lapset [n (number)] lapset:
    • Charles ca 1850-ca 1905
    • James William ca 1852-ca 1919
    • Sarah Ann ca 1854-
    • Edward ca 1858-ca 1928
    • Ada 1861-ca 1930
    • Amelia ca 1868-ca 1869
    • Josiah ca 1874-ca 1874

Merkintöjä henkilöstä

[Reading Mercury Sat 19 Jul 1902. Caversham Petty Sessions. Saturday, July 12 (Before Lord Saye and Sele, Gen. Radcliffe, and I. E. Witherington. D. Vanaerstegen, T. Neighbour, A. T. Simpson, R. F. Duff, and F. W. Dormer, Esq.). A Crowmarsh Publican Summoned. Phillip Henry Allnatt, landlord of "The Bell" Inn, Crowmarsh, was summoned for permitting drunkenness on his licensed premises, on June 27th. Mr. J. St. Laurence Stallwood defended. P.c. Lambonrne stated that on the day in question he found a man named Tuffrey sitting in the tap-room of 'The Bell," with a pot of beer in front of him. He was drunk. Tuffrey informed witness that he had been in the house, where he was supplied with beer. Kate Allnatt, wife of the defendant, said that Tuffrey appeared to be perfectly sober. Witness only served him with one pint of beer. Defendant gave similar evidence. Israel Scutts, aged 73, spoke to being in the house at the same time as Tuffrey. The latter did not appear to be drunk. The Bench dismissed the case, but cautioned defendant.] [I S - 82yr.]


  • Syntymä: Newham Murren Registers / Census 1841-61-71-81-91-1901 Oxfordshire.
  • Avioliitto: Wallingford 6 395.
  • Kuolema: Wallingford 2c 240.
1769-ca 1841
| 1789 |   

1802-ca 1853
ca 1801-1853
ca 1827


  • Elizabeth 1831-
  • Stephen 1832-
  • Richard 1834-1834
  • Richard 1835-1917
  • James ca 1837-ca 1872
  • Eliza 1839-ca 1911
  • Elizabeth ca 1841-
  • Thomas ca 1843-ca 1922