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Grootouders langs vaderszijde, ooms en tantes

    • William Scutts
    • gehuwd 1703
    • Elizabeth Austin
      • Richard Scutts ca 1709-1777
        gehuwd 1733 Sarah Ball

Richard Scutts ca 1734-

  • Geboren circa 1734 - of Purton, Wiltshire
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Huwelijken en kinderen

  • Gehuwd op 24 april 1757, Purton, Wiltshire, met Mary Baker †/1764, en hun kinderen:
    • Thomas ca 1752-1833
  • Gehuwd op 11 februari 1764, Hinton Waldrist, Berkshire, met Mary Ball 1738-, dochter van John Ball en Ann Taylor , en hun kinderen [n (number)] kinderen:
    • William Scudds 1764-1837
    • Richard Scudds 1769-ca 1841


[IGI states born circa 1733.] [Richard Scutts was witness to marriage between Thomas Ball & Mary Cox 27 Nov 1763.] [Saturday 04 April 1767, Oxford Journal, Oxfordshire. April 2nd, 1767. Whereas; RICHARD SCUTTS of the Parifh of Linton Waldrufh, in the County of Berks, Labourer - fometime in or about the Month of December laft, removed, from thence, but hath not fince been heard of: If the faid Richard Scutts will apply, or give Intelligence, where he re-fides, to Mr. Mundy, Attorney at Law in Hungerford, Berks, he will, be informed of fomething much to his Advantage. And as it is not improbable this Advertifement may efcape his, Obfervation, if therefore any other Perfon will inform the faid Mr. Mundy where, the faid Richard Scutts may be met With,; fuch Perfon will be gratifed by the faid Mr. Mundy for his or her Trouble The faid Richard Scutts is about 30 Years of Age, five Feet nine Inches high, with a thin pale long Vifage, and long Teeth, and wore when he left Linton, his own brown Hair.]


  • Huwelijk 1: IGI M152571.
  • Huwelijk 2: IGI M018781.
| 1703 |   

ca 1709-1777

Broers en zusters

  • Mary ca 1734-1802