Stephen R. Scutt 1957

66 years old, 11 months old, 5 days old

Birth on 15 July 1957 • Placer, California, UNITED STATES of AMERICA


  • Birth: California Birth Index 1905-1995

up to 54 à 21 generations
Ancestors      3  4 Ascending treeHorizontal treeTable ancestorsFull displayAge at deathLines by nameMenu tools ancestors
         ♦ Charles B. Scutt 1842-1908
         ◊ Elizabeth Samson 1845-1929
     ♦ Cecil Scutt 1888-1938
     ◊ Mildred Katherine Wilson 1896-1970
         – Robert Baron Wilson
         – Ambrosina Kathrina Beuten
Robert Charles Scutt 1925-2003
Catherine Agnes Smith 1928-1999
     – William Smith
     – Margaret White

Siblings Relationship computing 👪 Time line of the family
  1. Patricia Ann 1953-1991
  2. Michael William 1954-1974
  3. Kathleen Cecilia 1955
  4. Stephen R. 1957
  5. Jean M. 1959
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