David Henry Monty Zachariah 1893-1916

22 ans, 8 mois, 26 jours

Naissance le 2 novembre 1893 • North Adelaide, SA, AUSTRALIA
Décès le 28 juillet 1916 • Res Laz, Hammelburg, GERMANY

Notes [2nd Infantry Batn. WWI reported missing in France on 28/7/1916. On 30/9/1916 was on list 189A-1612 bullet wound both legs. List of Dead in Germany. Died in the Res Laz at Hammelburg.] [HEROES OF THE GREAT WAR. ZACHARIAH - No.653, Lance-Corporal D H M Zachariah, 32nd Battalion, Australian Imperial Forces, son of D. & E. Zachariah, Stirling West. Died while a prisoner of war in Germany on September 10 1916.] [One of a country's best; a true friend; A soldier and a man - Inserted by an old mate on active service, Frank.] [ZACHARIAH - In fond memory of our dear son Monty, 32nd Battalion, who died in enemy lands, Bavaria, September 10, 1916 "Just a little wreath of pansies. As they show sweet thoughts of you. Just one little spray of roses. To show our love is deep and true. With one little sprig of wattle. From your own dear native land. Could we lay them with your colors. White and gold, upon your mound. Inserted by his ever loving parents.] [ZACHARIAH - To my brother ever dear. Wattle blossoms soon droop and fade, The Lily of France soon withers, The oak of old England may decay, "Monty, your memory lives for ever.** - Inserted by his only sister, Zoe.]


  • Naissance : SA # 532/306
  • Décès : Jim Bailey

jusqu’à 18 à 8 générations
Ascendants      3  4 Arbre d’ascendanceArborescence ascendanteTableau ascendantsAffichage completÂge au décèsBranches patronymiquesMenu outils ascendants
     – Henry Zachariah
     – ------ ------
David Zachariah 1865-1952
Eve Scudds 1868-1951
         ♦ James Scudds 1807-1867
         – Mary ------ ca 1803-ca 1867
     ♦ William Scudds ca 1827-1906
     – Emma Carter 1827-1881

Fratrie Calcul de parenté 👪 Chronologie de la familleOncles et tantes
  1. Ivy Blossom 1891-1899
  2. Clifford Arnold 1892-1968
  3. David Henry Monty 1893-1916
  4. Zoe Zetta Zyrdreada 1897-