William Scudds ca 1827-1906

possiblament 79 ans

Naissença circa 1827 • Oxfordshire
Baptisme en 1827 • Oxfordshire
[marriage event] amb Emma Carter lo 5 de febrièr de 1847 • Woburn, Wycombe, Buckinghamshire
Decès lo 8 de junh de 1906 • Stirling East, Adelaide, SA, AUSTRALIA
Sepultura lo 10 de junh de 1906 • Stirling, SA, AUSTRALIA

Nòtas [IGI states W S b:1827.] [Census 1841 Oxfordshire.] [W S b:Oxford 21yr., sawyer, 1850 immigrant, barque Lysander 487 tons, Captain Lalham, from London / Gravesend 3rd June 1850 / Plymouth 15th June 1850, arrived at Port Adelaide, South Australia 23rd September 1850. (theshipslist.com/ships/Australia) (November 2nd sailed for Melbourne). 1906 Jun 09 and 10 also noted.] ["William Scudds & Emma Carter: Pioneers of Australia, 1850-1987", M.A.Ivas (descended from the Scudds Family of Newnam Murren Oxfordshire).] [Scudds - On the 8th June 1906, at the Adelaide Hospital, William, relict of the late Emma Scudds, of .... Stirling East, aged 79 years, leaving six sons, six daughters, 31 grandchildren, and two great-grand-children to mourn their loss.] [Family Notices The Advertiser (Adelaide, SA :1889-1931) Saturday 22 June 1907 p8 Family Notices - SCUDDS - In fond and loving memory of my dear old dad, William Scudds, who died June 8, 1906,aged 79 years. Sweetly sleeping, but not forgotten. Inserted by his loving daughter Eve.]

Maridatge amb Emma Carter

1848 Oxfordshire also stated.


  • Naissença: South Australian Deaths Registrations 1842-1915 Book:318 Page:193 / IGI
  • [marriage event] amb Emma Carter: Wycombe 6 529 / IGI
  • Decès: IGI
  • Sepultura: IGI

entrò 12 à 6 generacions
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         ♦ Richard Scutts ca 1734-
         ◊ Mary Ball 1738-
     ♦ Richard Scudds 1769-ca 1841
     – Elizabeth Edney 1765-1830
James Scudds 1807-1867
Mary ------ ca 1803-ca 1867

Fraires e sòrres Calcul de parentat 👪 [family time line]Oncles e tantasNebots e nebodas
  1. William ca 1827-1906
  2. John 1828-1883
  3. James 1829-
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