Robert Scutt 1704-ca 1784

iespējams 80 gadi

Dzimšana gads: 1704 • Dorset
[marriage event] ar Mary Ester ap 1736 • Dorset
Nāve ap 1784 novembris • Affpuddle, Dorset

Piezīme(s) 1785 also possible. R S - 'wealthy, first recorded owner of freehold land'.

[marriage with] Mary Ester

Ancestal File states circa 1730 but is too early

Avoti (pirmsākums?)

  • Dzimšana: IGI PRF
  • [marriage event] ar Mary Ester: (Birth children) / Ancestal File
  • Nāve: Affpuddle Burials 1731-1812 / Calendar of Dorset Wills & Administrations in the Probate Registry at Blandford, Dorset (1885) / IGI PRF

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     ◊ Robert Scutt ca 1638-1727
     – Elizabeth Bridle †1694
Robert Scutt ca 1670-1727
Sarah Vye 1681-ca 1712
     – Andrew Vye
     – ------ ------

Brāļi/māsas Radniecības aprēķināšana 👪 [family time line]
  1. Eleanor ca 1704-ca 1713
  2. Robert 1704-ca 1784
  3. Jane ca 1705-
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